angular-svg-base copied to clipboard
Auto directives to automatically rewrite absolute hash URLs for fragment references in SVG elements, to work around <base> side effects in Gecko and Blink.
Note: If you open an issue or PR here, please tweet me at jeffbcross so I will notice it.
This is a set of auto directives to fix SVG attributes that reference fragments
within the same document via FuncIRI notation (mask="url(#someFragment)"
) where a base tag is
present. Blink and gecko incorrectly apply these references to the base href
The attributes that will be automatically rewritten include:
- clip-path
- color-profile
- src
- cursor
- fill
- filter
- marker
- marker-start
- marker-mid
- marker-end
- mask
- stroke
The attributes will only be rewritten if the value matches FuncIRI notation
(i.e. mask="url(#aMask)"
) and the url contains a hash.
See AngularJS issue #8934.
$ bower install angular-svg-base
Just add the module as a dependency and it rewrites all #fragment
urls to be
absolute urls relative to the current document, regardless of base.
(Note: directives only apply in html5 mode, as everything works as expected otherwise).
angular.module('myApp', ['ngSVGAttributes']).
config(function($locationProvider) {
Unit Tests:
$ npm install .
$ ./node_modules/.bin/karma start
E2E (from project root directory):
Installs npm and webdriver dependencies, then starts server and runs e2e tests.
$ ./