macro-commander copied to clipboard
💾 📦 ✅ Automate everything in VS code
What does this do?
It lets you write a quick sequence of commands/scripts to automate VS Code tasks.
Example Usage (Code Examples are Futher Below)
- A run command that opens up a terminal, starts an SSH connection, and then runs commands on the SSH server
- A new-project command that goes to where ever you typically save projects, uses the GUI to ask for the name of the project, creates the folder, creates a .gitignore with your preferences, runs an init command, and then opens the folder in your current VS Code window.
- A command that opens a project folder, pulls the latest changes, opens several files in that folder, and then displays the recent changes in those files.
- A folder-specific start command, that pulls the latest changes, installs dependences, formats files, and then opens the debugger with a specific file.
How do I use it?
- Find the name of commands you want to run. You can do this by going to the VS Code keybindings.json
(go to gear-icon -> keybindings, then press the ↪📄 in the top right corner)
All of the
's (ex:"command": ""
) can be copied and pasted into the macro - Open up your VS Code settings.json and create a new section like this: (go to gear-icon -> settings, then press the {}'s in the top right corner)
"macros": {
"exampleMacro1": [
// a simple command to open a new terminal
// OR a complex command (e.g. has arguments)
{ "command": "COMMAND_HERE", "args":/*stuff*/ }
// OR javascript
{ "javascript": [ "window.showInformationMessage('hello')" ] }
- To run the macro open the command pallet (cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P) and type
run macro
then pick which one you want to run. - To create a keybinding to the macro, simply open the Keyboard Shortcuts (Gear-icon -> Keyboard Shortcuts) and start to type "macros". All of the macros have a "macros." prefix.
Command Options
Every element in the macro array should be one of these:
- string = simple command
- command with args is an object like this
{"command": "COMMAND_HERE", "args":/*stuff*/}
- command + javascript using javascript-injections like this:
{ "injections": [], "command": "COMMAND_HERE", "args":/*stuff*/}
- run javascript likes this:
{ "javascript": [] }
- call a hidden console (childProcess) like this
{ "injections": [], "hiddenConsole": [] }
- The javascript runs inside of an async function, meaning you can use the
keyword - Javascript has access to:
- the
object: (vscode.commands
, etc.) is documented here: - the
object, a shortcut tovscode.window
. - the
object (from node path) - the
object (from node fs) - the
object (helpers from this library)
- The
argument can be a single value (3.14159 || null
) or multiple statements (await window.showInputBox(); console.log("hi")
Quality of Life Tools
If you're writing JS macros:
- Use the "Macros: JS to JSON" command to make it easier to write macros (select JS code, then call the command)
- Use the "Macros: JSON to JS" command to make it easier to read/edit macros
What are some examples?
See also Level up your Coding with Macros
"macros": {
"terminalExample1": [
// a simple command to open a new terminal
// a command with arguments, that sends text to the terminal
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
// the "text" arg was decided by VS Code (not me)
"args": { "text": "echo hello\n" }
"terminalExample2" : [
// Run some javascript
"javascript": [
// docs for showInputBox:
"sharedMacroInfo.personName = await window.showInputBox({ title: `Whats your name?` })",
// a simple command to open a new terminal
// combine javascript and command
"injections" : [
{ "replace": "$personName", "withResultOf": "macroTools.escapeShellArg(sharedMacroInfo.personName)" },
{ "replace": "$selectedText", "withResultOf": "macroTools.escapeShellArg(window.activeTextEditor.document.getText(window.activeTextEditor.selections[0]))" },
{ "replace": "$currentFile", "withResultOf": "macroTools.escapeShellArg(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath)" },
{ "replace": "$currentFolder", "withResultOf": "macroTools.escapeShellArg(vscode.workspace.rootPath)" },
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
"args": { "text": "echo hi $personName\necho 'you selected' $selectedText\necho 'the current file is: '$currentFile\necho the current folder is: $currentFolder\n" }
"userInputExample1" : [
// javascript execution (see
// this has access to the `vscode` object, the `window` object and the `path` object (from node path)
// the javascript is also run inside of an async function, meaning you can use the `await` keyword
"javascript": "window.showInformationMessage(`You entered: ${await window.showInputBox()}`)"
"userInputExample2" : [
"javascript": [
"let response = await window.showInputBox()",
"let selectedText = window.activeTextEditor.document.getText(window.activeTextEditor.selections[0])",
"await window.showInformationMessage(`You entered: ${response}`)",
"fileInputExample1" : [
"javascript": [
"let cursorLineNumbers =>each.start.line)",
"let cursorCharNumbers =>each.start.character)",
"let textContent = window.activeTextEditor.document.lineAt(cursorLineNumbers[0]).text",
"userInputExample3" : [
"javascriptPath": "~/vs_code_stuff/macros/example3.js",
// if you open up that file^ it could contain:
// const { window } = require("vscode")
// const vscode = require("vscode")
// const path = require("path")
// const fs = require("fs")
// await window.showInformationMessage(`Howdy!`)
// NOTE: you cant use "import" or "export" because this script is evaled! not imported
"userInputExample4" : [
"javascriptPath": "./macros/build.js",
// this path will be relative to the current WORKSPACE
// if there is no active workspace, it will tell you to activate one (e.g. error)
"sharedInfo1" : [
// use this varible to share data between macros, and within the same macro
"javascript": "sharedMacroInfo.prevMessage = 'howdy'",
"javascript": "window.showInformationMessage(sharedMacroInfo.prevMessage)",
"javascriptPlusTerminalExample" : [
// run a hidden console command (runs in the background)
// NOTE: don't start a command in a hiddenConsole
// that doesn't finish! there's no good way
// of killing/canceling it
// this echo will never be seen
"hiddenConsole": [
"touch .gitignore",
"echo hello"
// combine javascript and hidden console commands
"injections" : [
{ "replace": "$currentFolder", "withResultOf": "vscode.workspace.rootPath" },
"hiddenConsole": [
"cd \"$currentFolder\"",
"touch .gitignore"
"terminalWithBashFunctions" : [
"injections" : [
{ "replace": "$currentFolder", "withResultOf": "vscode.workspace.rootPath" }
// I wanted to use aliases defined in my bash profile
// here's a hacky way of doing that
"hiddenConsole": [
"bash <<HEREDOC",
" source ~/.bash_profile",
" cd \"$currentFolder\"",
" echo now I can use aliases",
"exampleOfCommonInjections" : [
"injections" : [
{ "replace": "$userInput", "withResultOf": "await window.showInputBox()" },
{ "replace": "$currentFolder", "withResultOf": "vscode.workspace.rootPath" },
{ "replace": "$currentFile", "withResultOf": "window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath" },
{ "replace": "$currentFileName", "withResultOf": "path.basename(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath)" },
{ "replace": "$currentFileNameNoExtension", "withResultOf": "path.basename(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath).replace(/\\.[^/.]+$/, '')" },
{ "replace": "$currentFileDir", "withResultOf": "path.dirname(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath)" },
"hiddenConsole" : "echo $userInput"
"WriteToOutputExample": [
"javascript": [
//create a new OUTPUT log, with name "MyLog"
"const myOutput = window.createOutputChannel('MyLog'); ",
//write a message to OUTPUT log
"await myOutput.appendLine('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit.'); ",
//show the OUTPUT log
"await; ",
"unMultiSelectLast": [
// For when you Ctrl-Click to multiselect 10 times and on the eleventh get it wrong.
// Just press Ctrl-0 (or whatever key you assign) to unselect the eleventh, then carry on.
// (See also,, for more along this line.)
"javascript": [
"const editor = window.activeTextEditor;",
"const newSelections = editor.selections.slice(0, editor.selections.length - 1);",
"editor.selections = newSelections;"
"transformToSnake": [
// A multi-select friendly macro to convert from CamelCase to snake_case.
// If any particular selection is empty (just a cursor), this will automatically expand it to the whole word first.
// (Kudos to for some pointers)
"javascript": [
"let editor = window.activeTextEditor;",
"function expandWords() { let sels = editor.selections; let i = sels.length-1;",
" while (i >=0) { let sel = sels[i];",
" if (sel.isEmpty) {r = editor.document.getWordRangeAtPosition(sel.start); sels[i] = new vscode.Selection(r.start, r.end);}",
" i--; }",
" editor.selections = sels;",
"function doTransform(i) { let sels = editor.selections;",
" if (i < 0 || i >= sels.length) { return; }",
" let sel = sels[i];",
" let word_matches = editor.document.getText(sel).matchAll(/([a-z]+|[A-Z][a-z]*|[^A-Za-z]+)/g);",
" let words = [];",
" for (const match of word_matches) {words.push(match[0].toLowerCase())};",
" editor.edit(eb => {eb.replace(sel, words.join('_'))}).then(x => { doTransform(i+1); });",
"transformToCamel": [
// Same as transformToSnake, but vice versa
"javascript": [
"let editor = window.activeTextEditor;",
"function expandWords() { let sels = editor.selections; let i = sels.length-1;",
" while (i >=0) { let sel = sels[i];",
" if (sel.isEmpty) {r = editor.document.getWordRangeAtPosition(sel.start); sels[i] = new vscode.Selection(r.start, r.end);}",
" i--; }",
" editor.selections = sels;",
"function doTransform(i) { let sels = editor.selections;",
" if (i < 0 || i >= sels.length) { return; }",
" let sel = sels[i];",
" let words = editor.document.getText(sel).split('_')",
" let camel_words = {return w[0].toUpperCase() + w.slice(1,).toLowerCase()});",
" editor.edit(eb => {eb.replace(sel, camel_words.join(''))}).then(x => { doTransform(i+1); });",
"replaceAllExample1": [
"javascript": [
//save the current clipboard
"var oldClip = await vscode.env.clipboard.readText(); ",
//copies the selected text to the clipboard
"await vscode.commands.executeCommand('editor.action.clipboardCopyAction'); ",
"var testoSelezionato = await vscode.env.clipboard.readText(); ",
//replace all "gatta" to "##########"
"var nuovoTesto = testoSelezionato.replace(/gatta/g, '##########'); ",
//paste the new text
"if( nuovoTesto != testoSelezionato ) { ",
" await vscode.env.clipboard.writeText(nuovoTesto); ",
" await vscode.commands.executeCommand('editor.action.clipboardPasteAction'); ",
"} ",
//restore the original clipboard
"await vscode.env.clipboard.writeText(oldClip); ",
"replaceAllExample2": [
"javascript": [
// parameters
"var cerca = 'gatta'; ",
"var opzioni = 'g'; ", // g = global; i = ignorecase
"var sostituisci = '##########'; ",
// get the currently active editor
"const myEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; ",
"if (myEditor) {",
// perform an edit on the document associated with this text editor
"myEditor.edit(myEditBuilder => { ",
// loop for each multi-cursor
"myEditor.selections.forEach(rangeSelezione => {",
// get selected text from a single multi-cursor
"var testoSelezionato = myEditor.document.getText(rangeSelezione);",
// replace all
"var nuovoTesto = testoSelezionato.replace(new RegExp(cerca, opzioni), sostituisci);",
// if the text has changed, I write it in the document
"if(nuovoTesto != testoSelezionato) { ",
"myEditBuilder.replace(rangeSelezione, nuovoTesto);",
Some Common Macro Steps
Desired Action | Macro Step (example) |
execute a snippet | {"command": "type", "args": {"text": "mySnippetPrefixHere"}}, "insertSnippet" ] |
open a new terminal | "" |
type into the terminal | { "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "echo hello\n" } } |
message box | { "javascript": "window.showInformationMessage(You entered: ${await window.showInputBox()} )" } |
user input | { "javascript": [ "let response = await window.showInputBox()" ], ... |
user output | ... [ "await window.showInformationMessage(You entered: ${response} )" ] } |
Copy to clipboard | "editor.action.clipboardCopyAction" |
Some Common Injections:
Desired Value | JavaScript Expression |
$userInput | await window.showInputBox() |
$currentFolder | vscode.workspace.rootPath |
$currentFile | window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath |
$currentFileName | path.basename(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath) |
$currentFileNameNoExtension | path.basename(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath).replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '') |
$currentFileDir | path.dirname(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.fsPath) |
$selectionText | window.activeTextEditor.document.getText(window.activeTextEditor.selection) |
$clipboardText | vscode.env.clipboard.readText() |
$preferedLanguage | vscode.env.language ("en-US") |
$machineId | vscode.env.machineId (The name of computer you are running on) |
$sessionId | vscode.env.sessionId (A unique string that changes when VS Code restarts) |
$shellName | (The name of the default terminal shell) |
Some Useful JavaScript (assuming: const doc = window.activeTextEditor.document)
Category | Desired Action | JavaScript Code |
Document text | The entire text | doc.getText() |
Document text | Part of the text | doc.getText(range) |
Document text | Range of the word at cursor | doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(position) |
Document text | The line of text at cursor | doc.lineAt(line: number) |
Document text | The line of text at a position | doc.lineAt(position) // a Position is a line number/char number pair |
Document text | Convert position to overall offset | doc.offsetAt(position) |
Document text | Convert overall offset to position | doc.positionAt(offset: number) |
Document info | EOL style | doc.eol // enum (LF=1, CRLF=2) |
Document info | File name | (doc.isUntitled ? "" : doc.fileName) |
Document info | Needs saving | doc.isDirty |
Document info | Line count | doc.lineCount |
Document info | Save to disk | |
Multi-Select | If multi-selected... | if (window.activeTextEditor.selections.length > 1) { ... }; |
Multi-Select | Only act if index is in range | if (window.activeTextEditor.selections[index]) { ... }; |
Multi-Select | Scroll to a particular selection | window.activeTextEditor.revealRange(window.activeTextEditor.selections[index]); |
Multi-Select | Select only the last selection | window.activeTextEditor.selection = window.activeTextEditor.selections.pop(); |
Who made this?
polyglot-jones improved the documentation and added three big examples (unMultiSelectLast, transformToSnake, transformToCamel)
The old extension was made by geddski
I modified it to have
- in-order execution
- javascript / javascript-injections
- async await
- keybindings + named execution
- error message pop-ups
- auto reload when settings was edited
- and a few other things