most copied to clipboard
Help displaying "OSC 8" links
I have a bash script that displays a markdown file with "formatted" hyperlinks in the terminal and I would like to add paging support to it, basically it is a regex s/\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)/\x1B]8;;$2\a\e[4m$1\e[24m\a\x1B]8;;\a/g;
that takes the occurrences of markdown hyperlinks "(title)[url]", turns it into just "title" and makes it bold and clickable using ´ANSI´ and ´OSC 8´ escapes, adds it to $FILE and prints, with ´echo´ (then just add ´ | most´ in front of it).
Apparently what is treated only with ANSI works well (other md elements), but the OSC' links do not. Does ´most´ support this? If yes, how to enable it?