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Minisign reimplemented in Zig.


A Zig implementation of Minisign.

minizign was primarily designed to verify signatures, although signing is likely to be implemented next.


Requires the current master version of Zig.

Compile with:

zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSmall

for a size-optimized version, or

zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast

for a speed-optimized version.


    -h, --help                  Display this help and exit
    -p, --publickey-path <PATH> Public key path to a file
    -P, --publickey <STRING>    Public key, as a BASE64-encoded string
    -l, --legacy                Accept legacy signatures
    -m, --input <PATH>          Input file
    -q, --quiet                 Quiet mode
    -V, --verify                Verify
    -C, --convert               Convert the given public key to SSH format


Verify public-resolvers.md using public-resolvers.md.minisig and the public key file minisig.pub:

minizign -p minisign.pub -Vm public-resolvers.md

Verify public-resolvers.md by directly providing the public key on the command-line:

minizign -P RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3 -Vm public-resolvers.md

SSH-encoded public keys

minizign can encode public keys in SSH format, so that they can be uploaded to GitHub:

minizign -p minisign.pub -C
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHmlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3 minisign key E7620F1842B4E81F

GitHub makes public SSH keys available at https://github.com/<username>.keys.

SSH-encoded keys can be loaded by minizign the same way as native keys, with -p <key file>. They will be automatically recognized as such.


minizign supports prehashing (which can be forced if you know this is how the signature was created), has zero dependencies and can be cross-compiled to anything that Zig can cross-compile to, including WebAssembly.