PyLucid icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PyLucid copied to clipboard

PyLucid is ready to use Django-CMS setup

= not maintained

PyLucid is currently not under active development!

= about PyLucid

PyLucid is an Open Source web content management system written in Python using Django-CMS.

It's more a alternative for [[|djangocms-installer]]

The goal is to simplify the Django-CMS setup.

PyLucid delivers ready-to-use compiled Twitter Bootstrap v4 (Licensed under MIT) with some simple templates directly.

PyLucid is licensed under GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)

Try, fork and contribute! ;)

| {{|Build Status on}} | [[|]] | | {{|Coverage Status on}} | [[|]] | | {{|Requirements Status on}} | [[|]] |

== install

=== 1. bootstrap PyLucid virtualenv


download bootstrap file:

/home/FooBar$ wget

Create virtualenv with all needed packages:

/home/FooBar$ python3 boot ~/PyLucid-env }}}

=== 2. use the created PyLucid virtualenv


Go into created virtualenv:

/home/FooBar$ cd ~/PyLucid-env

activate the env:

~/PyLucid-env $ source bin/activate

Start the interactive admin shell:

(PyLucid-env) ~/PyLucid-env $ pylucid_admin shell v3.0.0 Type help or ? to list commands.> }}}

=== 3. create a page instance

A page instance is a django project with own settings, for easy start a own web page. Create a page instance in the interactive admin shell: {{{> create_page_instance ~/page_instance you_project_name ...> quit

Go into created page instance

(PyLucid_env) ~/PyLucid_env $ cd ~/page_instance/

Create cache tables

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ createcachetable

init database

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ migrate

Create a super user

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ createsuperuser

Copies all static files together:

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ collectstatic

run developer server:

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ runserver }}}

== update

A general overview:

  • update environment
  • migrate database
  • collect static files
  • Update you own templates/styles (not always needed)

Looks like this: {{{

Go into created virtualenv:

/home/FooBar$ cd ~/PyLucid-env

activate the env:

~/PyLucid-env $ source bin/activate

Start the interactive admin shell and update environment:

(PyLucid-env) ~/PyLucid-env $ pylucid_admin shell v3.0.0 Type help or ? to list commands.> update_env ...> quit

Go into created page instance

(PyLucid_env) ~/PyLucid_env $ cd ~/page_instance/

init database

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ migrate

Copies all static files together:

(PyLucid_env) ~/page_instance $ ./ collectstatic }}}

Note: Check 'Backward-incompatible changes' below!

== further information

=== run test project

You can run a test project with the django developer server: {{{ (PyLucid-env) ~/PyLucid-env $ pylucid_admin run_test_project_dev_server }}}

=== bootstrap manually

Note: You can install PyLucid manually via PyPi package:

  • create virtualenv
  • install pylucid via pip from PyPi
  • run {{{pylucid_admin update_env}}}

=== - interactive shell

{{{}}} is a interactive shell with command completion. You can just start it and do this: {{{ /home/FooBar$ python3 shell v0.2.0 Type help or ? to list commands.> ?

Hint: All commands can be called directly from commandline. e.g.: $ ./ help

Use to command completion.

Documented commands (type help ):

boot boot_developer help quit }}}

=== - interactive shell

{{{}}} is a interactive shell with command completion, e.g.: {{{ (PyLucid_env) ~/PyLucid_env $ pylucid_admin Activated virtualenv detected: '/home/foobar/PyLucid-env' (/home/foobar/PyLucid-env/bin/python3) shell v0.2.0 Type help or ? to list commands.> ?

Hint: All commands can be called directly from commandline. e.g.: $ ./ help

Use to command completion.

Documented commands (type help ):

change_editable_address pip_freeze run_test_project_dev_server create_page_instance pytest update_env help quit upgrade_requirements }}}

== External applications configuration

Dependency applications may need configuration to work properly.

Please, refer to each application documentation on details.

  • djangocms-blog:
  • django-filer:
  • django-meta:
  • django-meta-mixin:
  • django-parler:
  • django-taggit-autosuggest:
  • aldryn-search:
  • haystack:
  • twitter bootstrap:

== Backward-incompatible changes

On every update: Run the steps from section 'update': see above.

=== v3.1 to v3.2

update your page instance {{{}}} e.g.: {{{

  • url(r'^admin/', include(,
  • url(r'^admin/',, }}}

=== v3.0 to v3.1

Twitter bootstrap updated from v3 to v4: update you own templates/styles.

=== v2.1 to v3.0

Create a new, fresh PyLucid environment and a new page instance. See "install" section above. Transfer settings e.g.: Database connection information.

Just run "migrations" and "collectstatic" and update you own templates/styles.

Older changes are here:

== Compatible Matrix

| PyLucid | Django-CMS | Django | Python | v3.2 | V3.7 | V2.2 LTS | 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 | v3.0 | V3.4 LTS | V1.11 LTS | 3.5, 3.6 | v2.1 | v3.3 | v1.8 LTS | 3.4, 3.5 | v2.0 | v3.2 | v1.8 LTS | 3.4, 3.5 | <=v1.6 | - | v1.6 | 2.6, 2.7

== Release History

  • [[|compare v3.2.0...master]] - dev ** TBC
  • [[|16.02.2020 - v3.2.0]]: ** Update to Django v2.2.10 and Django-CMS v3.7.1 ** Use fork
  • [[|03.10.2019 - v3.1.5]]: ** Update requirements
  • [[|11.06.2019 - v3.1.4]]: ** Update requirements, e.g.: django==1.11.21, djangocms-blog==0.9.9, djangocms-history==1.1.0 ** Bugfix: include missing pylucid installer in PyPi package
  • [[|19.09.2018 - v3.1.3]]: ** Update requirements, e.g.: django==1.11.15, djangocms-blog==0.9.5 ** Bugfix 'run_test_project_dev_server' ** setup warnings ** updates for new bootstrap_env API
  • [[|03.04.2018 - v3.1.2]]: ** Update requirements, e.g.: Django v1.11.12, Django-CMS v3.4.6, Django-CMS-Blog v0.9.3 ** Update bootstrap file (via 'update_own_boot_file' in dev. mode)
  • [[|09.03.2018 - v3.1.1]]: ** reactivate [[|django-processinfo]]
  • [[|09.03.2018 - v3.1.0]]: ** colorize pylucid boot/admin output ** update twitter bootstrap v3 with v4 ** create dummy pages while running "run_test_project_dev_server" ** requirement updates
  • [[|06.03.2018 - v3.0.2]]: ** update requirements (django v1.11.11 and others) ** pylucid boot/admin: Better 'help' list: print first DocString line, too.
  • [[|05.03.2018 - v3.0.1]]: ** Activate CurrentSiteMiddleware and use in footer
  • [[|03.03.2018 - v3.0.0]]: ** Update to Django-CMS v3.4.x LTS, Django v1.11 LTS ** rewrite bootstrap ** NEW: interactive shell {{{pylucid_admin}}}
  • [[|12.Sep.2016 - v2.1.2]]: ** Changed to official PyPi Package.
  • [[|04.Sep.2016 - v2.1.1]]: ** Update: pillow, django-debug-toolbar, django-compressor, sqlparse
  • [[|v2.1.0.beta.0]]: ** switch from django-cms v3.2 to v3.3 ** move from [[|cmsplugin-htmlsitemap]] to [[|djangocms-htmlsitemap]] *** WARNING: A migration will not be done! You have to migrate by hand and delete the database table //cmsplugin_htmlsitemap_htmlsitemap// ;)
  • [[|28.Dec.2015 - v2.0.x beta]]: ** rewrite to use Django-CMS
  • [[|12.Feb.2015 - v1.6.x]]: ** v1.6.x is the last PyLucid release that doesn't based on Django-CMS ** switch from django 1.4 to 1.6
  • [[|18.Jun.2012 - v1.0.x]]: ** switch from django 1.3 to 1.4
  • [[|22.Sep.2007 - v0.8.0.beta]]: ** used the first v0.8 Beta Version who used django
  • [[|21.Apr.2005 - v0.0.1]]: ** first Version, only CGI script ListOfNewSides for lucidCMS (PHP based)

(Not all old releases are listed.)

For older PyLucid history, look at:


= donation

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  • [[|Flattr This!]]
  • Send [[|Bitcoins]] to [[|1823RZ5Md1Q2X5aSXRC5LRPcYdveCiVX6F]]

= links

| Homepage | [[]] | Sourcecode @ GitHub | [[|]] | Python Package Index | [[|]] | IRC | [[|#pylucid on]]