cpal copied to clipboard
Modified getHostname, getFQDN and getCPU to utilize regEX
Modified the three above methods to use regex, should be much more efficient than the 3000 lines of string and list splitting.
still works as expected
$ python core/ -i veos-03 -m arista -f getFacts
{ 'connect_ip': 'veos-03',
'cpu_utilization': u'2.2%',
'free_system_memory': 57532,
'hostname': u'veos-03',
'platform': u'vEOS',
'serial_number': '12345',
'system_uptime': u' 3:45',
'total_sytem_memory': 1000444,
'var_name': 'dev',
'vendor': 'arista',
'version': u'4.12.1-1581426.vEOS4125.1 (engineering build)'}
Been on vaca for a few days...hoping to get to some of this real soon.
Vacation? Da h*ll is that? ;) I kid of course. No worries man, but been meaning to port some code I've been working on, but dont' want to fill the queue.
Part of what I've been working on Parsing a Routing Table, of course the single run method in device()... and a some other goodies.
I also noted a bug in your getRoutes() method in onepk, you use c as a counter, but never increment it. The loop keeps over writing the same index.
c = 1
for r in route_list:
routes['route'] = str(r.prefix.address) + '/' + str(r.prefix.prefix_length)
routes['prefix'] = r.prefix.address
routes['prefix_length'] = r.prefix.prefix_length
routes['admin_distance'] = r.admin_distance
routes['type'] = ''
routes['metric'] = ''
all_routes[c] = routes
c += 1 # just add that
Look at the last line
Enjoy your vaca man, come back rested.