James Baumgarten
James Baumgarten
Can you be more specific? I tested it locally and it works perfectly for me, if something is wrong I doubt it's a syntax error
I'm on mobile but it seems like a | is missing that definitely shouldn't be locally. Either that or for some weird reason it works anyway. Cant check until tonight
I agree it's missing, but have you pulled this locally and tried it? The map works, although I honestly don't know why, I would expect it not to now that...
I see now, `fdm` isn't getting set back to the value that was saved, although I'm still surprised the move works at all. Fixed
fixed. do you think it would be better to use window local fdm? `setlocal`, `let &l:fdm` ?
changed it to use local values, that seems much cleaner. tested it and it works fine. should be ready to merge now I think
In case anybody else bumped into this the same way I did, which was by using some keymaps along the lines of inoremap w w A workaround to the constant...