react-native-slider copied to clipboard
Vertical Orientation does not work!
Vertical orientation does not work. I still have to transform it be 90 degrees and when I do, the slider does animate properly. Inverted does not work while doing this either. Here is my code:
style={{flex:1,backgroundColor:"pink",transform: [{ rotate: '90deg'}]}}
try orientation={'vertical'}
Same issue here. Moreover Im not even was able to manage value correctly in rotated state(without rotation it is working fine).
<Slider style={{ width: 270, marginHorizontal: 15, transform:[{ rotate(-90deg)}] }} value={moodValue} invert orientation={'vertical'} onValueChange={this.handleMoodValueChange} maximumValue={11} minimumValue={0} step={1} thumbStyle={{backgroundColor: 'green', borderColor: '#8134f8', borderWidth: 3 }} thumbTouchSize={{width: 60, height: 60}} minimumTrackTintColor={'#f60'} />
However I solved the problem with Slider from react-native-elements with the same props.
P.S. Still figuring out how to invert it though))
I had the same problem,when this component is rotated, can't slide properly.Here is my code
<View style={{transform: [{rotateZ:'-90deg'}]}}> <RNSlider style={styles.slider} trackStyle={styles.track} thumbStyle={styles.thumb} minimumTrackTintColor='#da282e'/> </View>
I also have same issue. Please provide a solution for this. Slider does not work with 'transform: [{ rotate: '-90deg' }]' style.
same issue here if i use rotation then it's UI distorts, height and width not working properly
same issue as well. orientation={'vertical'} or orientation='vertical' does not work. Transform works visually, but the slider no longer moves when clicked.
this fork: handles vertical sliders. Pass in vertical
as a prop. You still have to handle all the transforms yourself, but moving up and down worked for me in simulator.