react-native-camera-roll-picker copied to clipboard
Hello, great component! I am using it in a project and I suggest the following features:
- loading indicator
- custom circle-check image
I will try to prepare a pull request
What about #4 for custom selected image marker?
@superandrew213 Thanks for the PR, will merge it after checking the functionality.
#4 : Custom circle-check image has been merged.
How about we use ListView to improve performance? Or even better this react-native-sglistview.
If you scroll past 500 photos memory is hitting +1.1gb
move it to ES6 syntax
@superandrew213. Ok, I will try to use ListView instead in my free time. Thanks for the suggestion.
I try to use ListView,but not easy.I don't know how to recall the renderRow method to show "selectedMarker" component,because when i call setState method the ListView only rerender by render().The renderRow props function not recall.
@jiachaosun I have allready put together a SGListView here
if you want to test it right away try this until its merged:
npm i -S github:stoffern/react-native-camera-roll-picker
@FaridSafi : loading indicator has been added in the latest version. please check it !
Video support would be nice. Any ideas how to go about it? CameraRoll
only returns photos.
@superandrew213 assetType : The asset type, one of 'Photos', 'Videos' or 'All'. (Default: Photos)
Lol mixed it up with this react-native-image-crop-picker
ah :+1: then i would use this picker and my cropper :)
yes I'm playing around with both options testing which one performs the best
@superandrew213 i know there is a bug with the pan to move
in my cropper.
I have fixed it just not commited the update yet :smiley:
@jeanpan not to be a copycat or anything but after a view of the code i found out that selecting items would trigger a complete rerender of the SGListView. With that in mind, and the batchSize added from your side and my request of having loading spinners for all images i started to a total rewrite of the component. Please try it and see if you would like to merge it? It has quite a performance boost as selecting items only trigger render of the item itself.
@stoffern thanks for your suggestion. I will prepare a commit for fixing the problem of rerender SGListView.
How do I use the newly added loading indicator?
Dinamic ImageItem ReSize when the Layout Orientation change.