@rayglover-ibm Hi, thanks for your reply, and I just want to compile caffe using BAZEL, not tensorflow related, if you could provide a clean bazel-build caffe BUILD file(I download the...
@humu789 hi, when will you release quant part which support transformer(like vit, swin-transformer etc) quantization, including ptq and qat? thanks
@kosuke55 really hope that you can support kitti dataset
@jinfagang are you training with SECOND or pointpillow? really appreciate if you share the model
how do you get these "pre.onnx" as well as "rpn.onnx"? @kargarisaac @josephshaaban @jeannotes
@chowkamlee81 did you solve this? can it work well now?
any progress? @ZwwWayne