Jean Bisutti

Results 44 comments of Jean Bisutti

Hi @Sachin1O1, It should also work with an [11.0.15_10-jdk-alpine image that is based on Hotpsot](

> re-opening, we should log a warning message if the profiler is enabled but it is not supported on the given JVM Fixed with #2465

@trask An idea for the following compilation issue? ``` /home/runner/work/ApplicationInsights-Java/ApplicationInsights-Java/agent/instrumentation/netty-4.1/src/main/java/io/opentelemetry/javaagent/instrumentation/netty/v4_1/appid/ error: cannot find symbol import io.opentelemetry.javaagent.instrumentation.netty.v4_1.AttributeKeys; ^ symbol: class AttributeKeys location: package io.opentelemetry.javaagent.instrumentation.netty.v4_1 ```

Today QuickPerf works with JUnit 4, JUnit 5 and TestNG. If you are interested in developing a QuickPerf support for Spock you are very welcome. Kind regards

Many thanks @rsassi for having reported this bug and proposing a fix. This bug concerns the JVM annotations. I had a first look at the fix. It seems great! What...

Hi @rsassi, JFR 8.1.0 is another topic, not related to this bug. This topic needs to be discussed. JFR 8.1.0 requires at least Java 8 and may impact the behavior...

Hi @rsassi, I don't see a license problem. I explain why below. We have to consider two things about the licenses: * The analysis of the profiling files, the _....

Hi @rsassi, Do you still have an issue with the JFrog repository? Can I help you?

Hi @rsassi, I have just added on master a Maven profile to be able to disable the ` jfr-annotations` module (containing the `org.openjdk.jmc` dependency): ```mvn clean install -P -jfr```. Could...