
Results 148 issues of jdx

[just has quite a few functions](https://github.com/casey/just?tab=readme-ov-file#system-information) which is a good starting point for us to improve what can be done with templates in mise


I would like to have a section in the docs that covers the basics of tera in mise, this I think may repeat a lot of what is already in...


add a flag or something to output how to run a curl command to hit the same endpoint

from slack: the user doesn't have any personal apps, only org or team apps if they ran it with -A it would show the apps the message should probably be...

This stops the cosmetic change of Private-* dynos to Shield-* dynos for Shield Private Spaces. When Api begins sending the actual Shield dyno types then this cosmetic switcheroo will no...

from @ryanbrainard: ``` drive by CLI feedback: I was just trying to scale an app using the CLI and realized it’s rather unintuitive how to do it. In particular, the...

this should fail: `heroku ps:scale web=1 garbage`