om-next-router-example copied to clipboard
an example of a routing root component in om
Om Next Router
A simple om next router that demonstrates client-side url-based routing, browser history.
Getting started
git clone
# rlwrap lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj
# figwheel is listening on http://localhost:4952
Routing approach
Uses the total query paradigm. This means parsing a subset of the component's
total query. This subset is a function of what route is selected. One alternative to total
query is to update the root component's query via om/set-query!
. I haven't figured out a
clean way to use om/set-query!
Nice properties of om:
- UI is a pure function of the global state atom
- Components are dumb and don't have logic - just queries and simple transact calls
Let's flesh out of differences between these two approaches with an example and measure them against our "nice properties of om".
Let's say you have a button when a user clicks it you update the route based on some logic.
total routing
;; ui
(defui Component
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(render [this]
(dom/button #js {:onClick (om/transact `[(button/clicked) :route])} "click me!"))
;; parsing
(defmethod mutate 'button/clicked
[{:keys [state]} _ _]
(if (valid? @state)
{:action #(swap! state merge {:route/current :foo :something :else})}
{:action #(swap! state merge {:route/current :bar :another :thing})}))
This is pretty clean. Not lets try using om/set-query!
via om/set-query!
;; ui
(defui Component
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(render [this]
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(do #(om/transact! this '[(button/clicked)])
; we don't have `state` here so need to include relevant
; stuff in the component's query
; also we don't want to set query on `this` we probably want
; set the route query on the route component so have to pass
; callbacks all the way down to this component which is a pain
(if (valid? state)
(om/set-query! this {:query {:route (route->query :foo)}}
(om/set-query! this {:query {:route (route->query :bar)}}))}))
;; parsing
(defmethod mutate 'button/clicked
[{:keys [state]} _ _]
(if (valid? @state)
{:action #(swap! state merge {:something :else})}
{:action #(swap! state merge {:another :thing})}))
Using om/set-query!
is bad in this example because we are moving logic into components. Also now
the UI has to be changed by calling both om/transact!
and om/set-query!
instead of just
Would be curious if anyone has come up with a clean way to use set-query!
to do routing.