shinysurveys copied to clipboard
Bug: Requiring an answer on "Matrix Input" breaks the app
First of all, thanks a lot for putting together this package. I am super excited to see Shiny developing in this direction and I greatly appreciate your contribution. I used Qualtrics a lot, but I really hate it for being slow and not being able to do things programmatically.
I am not sure if the package is maintained anymore, but I encountered a breaking change. It happens when you require a matrix input. Here is the minimal working example, just a slight modification of the code on the package website.
df <- data.frame(
question = c("What is your favorite food?", "What is your favorite food?"),
option = c("Sushi", "Pizza"),
input_type = c("matrix", "matrix"),
input_id = c("favorite_food", "favorite_food"),
dependence = c(NA, NA),
dependence_value = c(NA, NA),
required = c(T, T)
ui <- fluidPage(
surveyOutput(df = df,
survey_title = "Hello, World!",
survey_description = "Welcome! This is a demo survey showing off the {shinysurveys} package.")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$submit, {
title = "Congrats, you completed your first shinysurvey!",
"You can customize what actions happen when a user finishes a survey using input$submit."
shinyApp(ui, server)
When you run the app and select any option, you get the following error message
Warning: Error in &&: 'length = 3' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
49: FUN
48: vapply
47: checkRequired_internal
45: ::
44: <observer>
1: runApp
I tried to figure out what is going on. Apparently something is wrong with the function checkRequired_internal
, but I am not that good at coding to fix this myself. I am assuming that the issue is in the file utils_render-survey.R
where all(vapply(required_inputs_vector, checkIndividual, input = input, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))
is called.
If anyone has an idea of how to fix this, it would be great.