phaser3-nineslice copied to clipboard
Don't work since Phaser update 3.19.0
The main problem that is in new Phaser 3.19.0 in RenderTexture you must set true texture dimentions in constructor. Otherwise happens something that i dont understand and any other call to setSize or resize produce unexpected results.
I try found a way to fix this, but do it only a dirty way. I copied the source and pass expect dimentions in super call:
super(scene, positionConfig ? positionConfig.x : 0, positionConfig ? positionConfig.y : 0, positionConfig ? positionConfig.width : 32, positionConfig ? positionConfig.height : 32);
super(scene, 0, 0, 32, 32)
Thanks gogoflash, I will need this for a project in 3.19