Jordan O'Leary
Jordan O'Leary
Auras are a circular area that you can cast on the ground or on a unit. Any units or pickups that enter the auras radius gain the effect of the...
I guess this is kind of like auras but the idea is that any unit close to you takes additional damage while it's close to you or vice versa
- Runes should be _reversible_ (maybe you can buy and sell them) Runes can be simple: - All summoned units deteriorate after 3 turns - Every dead unit drops a... > Hello! Love the new spells, UI changes, and enemy outlines. Very cool. Sadly, multiplayer is still having issues. We couldn't get far enough to text the desync. When...
units, pickups, players arrays Closes #776
Save file contains duplicates underworld.units underworld.players and units players
- Exclude certain enemies - Exclude spell categories ("Beat the game with no damage spells" could be fun) - Change starting stats (of NPCs too??) - what else? @Sana
- [ ] fix servers self-terminating - [ ] How to prevent scale to zero?