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Test in other browsers
I have not performed any testing outside of Firefox nightlies. It would be good to check that this tool works in all other popular browsers (Chrome, IE 8-10, Firefox (release, Aurora, Beta), Safari, and Opera).
I currently use Chrome 16.0.912.63, Firefox 8.0.1, Firefox Aurora 10.0a2 and Safari 5.1.2 I have no issues with those.
Also tested in Opera 11.51 with javascript issues. I am running the URL bugsahoy.com locally.
Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Security violation
Error thrown at line 420, column 6 in <anonymous function: APIRequest>(path, method, callback, field, body, params) in http://bugsahoy.com/bz-0.2.1.js: req.send(body); called from line 330, column 4 in <anonymous function: searchBugs>(params, callback) in http://bugsahoy.com/bz-0.2.1.js: this.APIRequest('/bug', 'GET', callback, 'bugs', undefined, params); called from line 187, column 4 in retrieveResults(category) in http://bugsahoy.com/magic.js: bugzilla.searchBugs(searchParams, processResult); called from line 199, column 4 in toggleCategory(e) in http://bugsahoy.com/magic.js: retrieveResults(id);
Excellent, thank you! The Opera result is weird, but I doubt it needs to be a blocker for the first public release. I'll try to do some internet digging for explanations.
I have also tested in FF 9.0, working great.
Could you pull the latest bz.js (https://github.com/harthur/bz.js) and give Opera another shot? It was pointed out to me that a change was recently integrated that could affect this.
Yeah ill do it right now.
On Dec 21, 2011, at 8:26 AM, Josh Matthews wrote:
Could you pull the latest bz.js (https://github.com/harthur/bz.js) and give Opera another shot? It was pointed out to me that a change was recently integrated that could affect this.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/jdm/bugsahoy/issues/12#issuecomment-3235809
Worked better now I'm getting this error,
Error thrown at line 201, column 4 in toggleCategory(e) in http://bugsahoy.com/magic.js: interestingComponents.push(id);
Hmm. No indication as to the nature of the thrown error?
Nothing really but it does break in all browsers when i use this file https://raw.github.com/harthur/bz.js/master/lib/bz.js vs http://cloud.github.com/downloads/harthur/bz.js/bz-0.2.1.js.
It looks like alot has changed or im using the wrong file.
Yeah, looks like the released 0.2.1 in the downloads was specially crafted to work in the browser. I'll contact the author and see if I can obtain a more modern version.
http://cloud.github.com/downloads/harthur/bz.js/bz-0.2.3.js is the version that should work in the browser.
Get this error right away
Error thrown at line 1, column 122 in require(p) in http://bugsahoy.com/bz-0.2.3.js:
throw new Error('failed to require "' + p + '"');
called from line 1, column 1231 in
I had similar problems when I tried. However, I grabbed the file again and tried today, and saw no errors.
Awesome I will grab again and re-test.
Looks like its already in master, I will pull it.
Just tested on IE9 and it breaks. Same problem also reported by a potential contributor on #introduction.