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How can I use one button to capture a Long_throw Depth Image while retrieving the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters?
Dear author,
I'm wondering can I use one button in the Unity to control to get a depth image under the long_throw mode, and also get the corresponding projectionMatrix and cameraToWorldMatrix at the moment this depth image is taken?
I'm trying to use the projectionMatrix and cameraToWorldMatrix to back-project the 2D coordinates on the depth image into its corresponding accurate 3D coordinates in the physical world.
Thanks for your insights!
If possible, may kindly you could give me some hints which part of the provided coding files shall I refer to ?
There is no functionality to start capturing data from a Unity interface so you would have to implement the button control, but a code example for creating the projectionMatrix and converting depth to 3D world points is in sample_rgbd_pv.py.
There is no functionality to start capturing data from a Unity interface so you would have to implement the button control, but a code example for creating the projectionMatrix and converting depth to 3D world points is in sample_rgbd_pv.py.
Dear sir,
Thanks for your insights!