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simple system dynamics in python - wrapper around scipy odeint using stocks and flows
System dynamics in Python
Lightweight data structures for readable, maintainable models. Stocks are nouns and flows connect them. Wrapper around scipy.integrate.odeint
, which is a wrapper around the Fortran library odepack
using lsoda
. The goal of this project is to provide an easy interface for describing stock/flow systems that will set up the ODEs automatically and solve them.
How to use
Create simulation
from stockflow import simulation
import numpy as np
tmax = 100
dt = 0.01
t = np.arange(0,tmax,dt)
s = simulation(t)
Create stocks
# define names of states and their initial conditions
s.stocks({'A': 0, 'B': 10, 'C': 20})
Define flows and their functions
# The flow called 'Q' moves (stuff) from stock 'A' to stock 'B'.
# Function f(t) is evaluated at each timestep.
s.flow('Q', start='A', end='B', f=lambda t: k*s.A - l*s.B)
# Flow 'P' starts outside the control volume (None) and ends at C.
s.flow('P', start=None, end='C', f=lambda t: m*s.C if s.B > 2 else 0)
# etc.
Forcing flows that originate outside the system (control volume) will have start='None'
. Flows that originate inside the system but leave will have end='None'
. Flow functions f
can depend on any stocks or flows that already exist, or will exist at runtime.
Flow functions can also depend on t
, as will usually be the case with forcing functions. This can either be continuous (e.g. sin(t)
) or discrete (P[t]
). If you are using discrete flow functions, run the model with
. This allows t
to be used as an array index in the forcing functions, which would cause an error if discrete=False
Define parameters (global constants)
k = 0.2; l = 0.7; m = 1.2
Run simulation and look at time series of stocks/flows # use discrete=True for discrete flow functions
# now access/plot any of s.A, s.B, s.C, s.Q, s.P, which are all vectors of length len(t)
####Examples For more examples check out these IPython notebooks.
####License Copyright (c) 2014 Jon Herman. Released under the MIT license.