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Policy tree optimization: Heuristic policy search for control of dynamic systems. Uses genetic programming to develop binary trees relating observed indicator variables to actions, either real-valued...
Policy Tree Optimization
Heuristic policy search for control of dynamic systems. Uses genetic programming to develop binary trees relating observed indicator variables to actions, either real-valued or discrete. A simulation model serves as the objective function.
Requirements: NumPy, PyGraphviz (optional). The example model also uses pandas and Matplotlib but these are not strictly required.
Citation: Link to paper
Herman, J.D. and Giuliani, M. Policy tree optimization for threshold-based water resources
management over multiple timescales, Environmental Modelling and Software, 99, 39-51, 2018.
The full set of experiments and data are available in the paper branch. Note the API has since changed in the main branch.
Installation: (experimental) pip install -i ptreeopt
Quick Start
This example develops a control policy based on a simulation model of Folsom Reservoir.
import numpy as np
from folsom import Folsom
from ptreeopt import PTreeOpt
import logging
np.random.seed(17) # to be able to replicate the results
model = Folsom('folsom/data/folsom-daily-w2016.csv',
sd='1995-10-01', ed='2016-09-30', use_tocs = False)
algorithm = PTreeOpt(model.f,
feature_bounds = [[0,1000], [1,365], [0,300]],
feature_names = ['Storage', 'Day', 'Inflow'],
discrete_actions = True,
action_names = ['Release_Demand', 'Hedge_90', 'Hedge_80',
'Hedge_70', 'Hedge_60', 'Hedge_50', 'Flood_Control'],
mu = 20, # number of parents per generation
cx_prob = 0.70, # crossover probability
population_size = 100,
max_depth = 7
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,format='[%(processName)s/%(levelname)s:%(filename)s:%(funcName)s] %(message)s')
# With only 1000 function evaluations this will not be very good
best_solution, best_score, snapshots =,
The logging
module will print to the console every log_frequency
function evaluations. snapshots
is a dictionary containing keys 'nfe', 'time', 'best_f', 'best_P'
(number of function evaluations, elapsed time, best objective function value, and best policy tree). Each key points to a list of length max_nfe/snapshot_frequency
. The snapshots are used for convergence information, and are typically saved to a file for later analysis:
import pickle
pickle.dump(snapshots, open('snapshots.pkl', 'wb'))
is a simulation model that will be evaluated many times. The simulation model must be set up to receive a policy and return an objective function value:
def f(P):
# ...
for t in range(T):
# observe indicators x1,x2,x3
action = P.evaluate([x1,x2,x3]) # returns a string from `action_names`
if action == 'something':
# ...
if action == 'something_else':
# ...
return objective # assumes minimization
The Folsom simulation model (link) gives a more detailed example.
Functions for plotting results are described in a separate readme.
The example above runs in serial. Function evaluations can also be parallelized using either multiprocessing
or mpi4py
from ptreeopt import MultiprocessingExecutor
with MultiprocessingExecutor(processes=4) as executor:
best_solution, best_score, snapshots =,
from ptreeopt import MPIExecutor
with MPIExecutor() as executor:
best_solution, best_score, snapshots =,
Then run mpirun -n 4 python -m mpi4py.futures
on the command line or in a cluster job script. See the examples for more details. This is generational parallelization, meaning that the number of processors should not exceed the population size.
Copyright (C) 2017-21 Contributors. Released under the MIT license.