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Project installation problems
I'm attempting to build the latest version of jdemetra branch v3.0.0 commit 82215b3c https://github.com/jdemetra/jdemetra-app.
I'm getting the following problems with dependencies:
- [ERROR] Non-resolvable import POM: eu.europa.ec.joinup.sat:demetra-parent:pom:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT was not found in https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of ossrh-snapshots has elapsed or updates are forced @ eu.europa.ec.joinup.sat:demetra-desktop-parent:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT, E:\Maciej\Source\Repos\jdemetra-app\pom.xml, line 70, column 25
- [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for com.github.nbbrd.java-service-util:java-service-processor:jar is missing. @ eu.europa.ec.joinup.sat:demetra-desktop-parent:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT, E:\Maciej\Source\Repos\jdemetra-app\pom.xml, line 263, column 21
Search at https://oss.sonatype.org/#nexus-search;quick~demetra indictes that the latest snapshot verions is 2.2.4
Am I missing something?
Thank you for your help Regards Maciej
Hi Maciej. You need to build jdemetra-core first in order to be able to build jdemetra-app. (jdemetra-code v3 snapshots are not deployed yet in a Maven repository)
Dear Philip Thank you very much for your answer.
Which branch I should be using, that would give me the best change of succesfull build?
I tried master and run into a lot of problems with lombok, release version of netbeans and invalid repository repo.spring.io, The snapshots v3 are not in Maven.
I assume that the only useable branch is "develop"? Is this the branch that is likely going to be the next release?
Sorry for trouble. Thank you for your help
You need to use the v3.0.0 branch for both projects (jdemetra-core and jdemetra-app). We will merge the v3.0.0 branches into develop later on.
For the record, all v3 code has been moved to its own repository : https://github.com/jdemetra/jdplus-main