John A. De Goes
John A. De Goes
Hopefully already fixed with @vigoo's rewrite. 👍
I suggest pure data as a representation for the SSL configuration, having both options to load the SSL key / certs from resources (local file, resource, etc.), as well as...
@ghidei Thank you! Generating a key pair and self-signing (for `SSLConfig.Generate`) is a bit painful due to API design and best searching on Stack Overflow or elsewhere for pre-canned answers....
@devsprint See comment from @tusharmath on sharing event loop & transport between client & server.
Maybe we can add `Server#stop` method, which stops the server and releases resources early. Of course, this calls into question what `Server#install` should do in the event the server is...
@vigoo Should we just merge this?
See [here](
Any individual item above will count for a ticket in the _ZIO Hackathon 2022_, for those of you participating.
Try running `fmt` from `root` to get past `scalafix`