John A. De Goes
John A. De Goes
@abhishek7 Yes, that'd be very helpful!
Agreed. All this should be part of the design guide. Same for Class, Ops, Syntax,e tc.
> Rename DisjunctionInstances to DisjunctionClasses? 👍 This seems better to me. Or even `DisjunctionTypeclasses` if we want to go really verbose.
Technically those are orphan instances. I think all instances for standard types must be defined in the companion object of the associated type classes. No additional import must be necessary...
**TODO**: Port over [these notes]( from @aloiscochard
@fommil Sure, it can live anywhere, although there are other reasons to consider including iotaz (composable error sets, for example). I view some of the other major areas as potentially...
Btw, to all Scalaz contributors: Please feel free to add to, edit, amend, and fill in!
@TomasMikula We have discussed something even more radical, which is to not have the `State` monad at all, but only the type class `MonadState` or rather `ApplicativeState` (I suppose). Let's...
@NeQuissimus Sounds like a great idea. 👍
@caente I think this is a catch all for abstractions from abstract algebra, including things like `Semigroup`, `Lattice`, `Field`, and `Ring`. I have sketched some detail out above, and I...