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A Python-based static site generator using Jinja templates.


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A Python-based static site generator using Jinja templates.

Inspired by staticjinja, jekyll, and hugo.


pip install jinjabread


Create new site project

python -m jinjabread new mysite

Build site

python -m jinjabread build mysite

Preview site locally

python -m jinjabread serve mysite
# Visit in your browser.


  • Write pages in Markdown, HTML, or text.
  • Use Jinja2 templating language in Markdown, HTML, or text.
  • Supports YAML metadata in Markdown pages.
  • Keep static media alongside static pages.
  • Index pages (i.e., index.html) can list all other pages in the same directory.
  • Preview your static site locally with a built-in web server.
  • Prettify all generated HTML (because why not?)

File structure

Important files and directories

Name Description Example path
Project directory The project root mysite
Content directory Contains site content where each file becomes a site page mysite/content
Layouts directory Contains page layouts that gets used by the site content mysite/layouts
Static directory Contains static media that gets copied to the output directory mysite/static
Output directory The complete generated site, ready to be hosted mysite/public
Config file Custom site configurations in TOML format mysite/jinjabread.toml

Example: Site project structure

├── content
│   ├── about.html
│   ├── index.html
│   └── posts
│       ├── index.html
│       ├── my-journey
│       │   ├── index.html
│       │   └── profile-photo.jpg
│       └── my-story.html
├── jinjabread.toml
├── layouts
│   └── markdown.html
├── public
│   ├── about.html
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── posts
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   ├── my-journey
│   │   │   ├── index.html
│   │   │   └── profile-photo.jpg
│   │   └── my-story.html
│   └── static
│       └── style.css
└── static
    └── style.css

Example: File to URL translation

File path URL path
public/index.html /
public/about.html /about
public/posts/index.html /posts/
public/posts/my-story.html /posts/my-story
public/posts/my-journey/index.html /posts/my-journey/
public/posts/my-journey/profile-photo.jpg /posts/my-journey/profile-photo.jpg
public/static/style.css /static/style.css

Site config

Default config

content_dir = "content"
layouts_dir = "layouts"
static_dir = "static"
output_dir = "public"
prettify_html = true


  type = "jinjabread.MarkdownPage"
  glob_pattern = "**/*.md"
  layout_name = "markdown.html"

  type = "jinjabread.Page"
  glob_pattern = "**/*"

Custom config

Change output directory

# jinjabread.toml
output_dir = "dist"

Add global Jinja context variables

# jinjabread.toml
  site_name = "My site"
  url_origin = "https://mysite.com"

Change Markdown layout file

# jinjabread.toml
  type = "jinjabread.MarkdownPage"
  glob_pattern = "**/*.md"
  layout_name = "post.html"

  type = "jinjabread.Page"
  glob_pattern = "**/*"

Add page-specific Jinja context variables

# jinjabread.toml
  type = "jinjabread.MarkdownPage"
  glob_pattern = "**/*.md"
  layout_name = "markdown.html"

  type = "jinjabread.Page"
  glob_pattern = "**/*.txt"

    foo = "bar"

  type = "jinjabread.Page"
  glob_pattern = "**/*"

Pages types

Page type Keyword arguments
jinjabread.Page - glob_pattern
jinjabread.MarkdownPage - glob_pattern
- layout_name

Markdown pages

Markdown content supports full YAML metadata.

For example, given the following content and layout:

# content/my-blog-post.md
title: My blog post
author: John Smith
description: A very nice story.
  - thrilling
  - must-read
It was a cold stormy night...
<!-- layouts/markdown.html -->
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<h2>{{ description }}</h2>
<h3>Written by {{ author }}</h3>
<p>{{ content }}</p>

Results in the following output:

<!-- public/my-blog-post.html -->
  My blog post
  A very nice story.
  Written by John Smith
    It was a cold stormy night...

Context variables

Default variables

All pages have these context variables:

Name Description Example value
url_path The URL path of the current page /
file_path The file path of the current page, relative to the output directory index.html

Variable precedence

Page-specific context variables override global site context variables.

For example:

# jinjabread.toml
  fee = "fie"
  foe = "fum"

  type = "jinjabread.Page"
  glob_pattern = "**/*.txt"

    foe = "foo"

  type = "jinjabread.Page"
  glob_pattern = "**/*.html"

    foe = "bar"
  • .txt pages will have the following extra context variables:
    fee = "fie"
    foe = "foo"
  • .html pages have the following extra context variables:
    fee = "fie"
    foe = "bar"

Index pages

All index pages (i.e., index.*) has an extra context variable named pages which is list of dictionaries of context variables from its sibling files.

For example, given the following file structure:

├── index.html
├── post1.md
└── post2.md

You can list all the pages in the posts directory using:

<!-- mysite/content/posts/index.html -->
{% for page in pages %}
<a href="{{ page.url_path }}">
  {{ page.url_path.split('/') | last | title }}
{% endfor %}

Resulting in:

<!-- mysite/public/posts/index.html -->
<a href="/posts/post1">
<a href="/posts/post2">



python -m venv venv && \
  . venv/bin/activate && \
  pip install pip pip-tools --upgrade && \
  pip-sync requirements.txt


python -m unittest discover .


python -m build


export TWINE_USERNAME='__token__'
export TWINE_PASSWORD='secret-token'
python -m twine upload dist/*