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手机型号锤子R2 情况:用的是1.11版本。手机重启后,必须在权限管理中将第二条的”允许读取通知”→“前往设置”→“通知读取权限”【重新关闭并打开】才能恢复自动复制。【希望大佬优化重启后不必重新开启权限】
谢谢大佬的辛苦付出 期待软件越来越好
Hi this is a bug, because it doesn't happen on all phones I have Xiaomi and it works fine after restarts I wonder if there's a fix that can help issue with notification permission, because the problem is with the permission , not the app being killed
你说的没错,问题是出在权限,如果能增加一项权限获取:打开无障碍服务。是否可行呢?因为我有很多软件也是通过打开无障碍,并关闭电池优化,便能做到在重新启动后自动启动。 其次是增加“钉在通知栏”功能,应该也会增加其自动启动的效果
You are right, the problem is access, if you can add a access access: open accessible services. Is it possible? Because I have a lot of software is also open barrier-free, and turn off battery optimization, can be achieved after reboot automatically start. The second is the addition of the“Pin in the notification bar” feature, which should also increase the effect of its auto-start
This is for reference. A software that he needs to obtain these permissions
You are right, the problem is access, if you can add a access: open accessible services. Is it possible? Because I have a lot of software is also open barrier-free, and turn off battery optimization, can be achieved after reboot automatically start. The second is the addition of the“Pin in the notification bar” feature, which should also increase the effect of its auto-start
the permission problem is a bug in android in some devices, and it's specific to notification read permission whats your android version ?
我的手机操作系统是“smartisan os”
安卓版本是android 11
My mobile operating system is "Smartisan OS"
Android version is Android 11
thanks for the info
I try to implement a check on startup (when phone reboots) to check if the app still has the permission to read notifications, if it doesn't have, tell the user to disable and enable the permission again
this should help you to know when the app is not working as expected after restart
Thank you for your efforts
I see others have similar problems as well
This may occur on some phones, and it is indeed a rather troublesome issue. The "push" and "permission" functions on Android phones have always been a big problem, because many software, even if set to start automatically, sometimes cannot be implemented. And software that obtains many permissions will automatically call location or record in the background, leading to increased power consumption.
If there is such a startup check, it would also be helpful. After checking, you can notify on the notification bar. Click in to open it directly.
Now I try my best to ensure that my phone doesn't shut down, because it lacks a sense of security and you don't know which software won't start automatically. This is a troublesome matter
If there is such a startup check, it would also be helpful. After checking, you can notify on the notification bar. Click in to open it directly.
I have added this startup check and a notification will be shown if the permission is not working
this will be released soon as 1.15.0
please let me know if the notification did not work
谢谢,感谢你们的倾听 Thank you. Thank you for listening
can you please try 1.15.1 and let me know if it fixes the issue ? it contains an important fix you can download it directly from github releases if you have f-droid version
Text description may not be clear enough, read the attached picture content I downloaded 1.15.1. , rebooted the phone, the situation emerged:
- After rebooting, the text message verification code received can not be copied directly automatically, meaning that the software is not running in the background
- I click send Test Notification, and a notification appears in the notification bar. But clicking on the notification has no effect. Obviously clicking on it does not activate the copy function of the software
- I have to click on permission management and turn on"Notification read permission" again before the software can resume automatic replication
- When the automatic copy is restored and the copy is successful, a new notification appears on the notification bar
Does your phone have a autostart settings ? I suspect it might have one and you need to allow the app to start automatically
For example on my xiaomi phone it's under "Security -> Background autostart", I have to add my app there to be able to launch on restarts
Yes, I've opened them all. This software can open the permissions I have all opened
But there are differences in the settings of Android phones.
There is very little software that can boot itself
Because they require a lot of permissions
Some of the things I think are very important:
- No barriers. Accessible.This permission needs to be opened. This is very important. Because of my software, some software is because of this permission, so can really do has been running in the background, reboot can also be self-starting. If you are using the English version I am not sure if you really understand this setting because of the difference in translation
Battery optimization must be turned off
Pin the app to the background so it can't be killed
Finally, you need to open as many of the applications as possible
Even so, some software may not be able to do it
I think we need more permissions for this software.
Hi In the screenshot you have sent above, application self-start permission is exactly what I was asking If it's enabled, then app should not have any problem with starting itself If theres still a problem, then it's probably a bug In phones that are more popular in rest of the world, like xiaomi, i show the button to user to open the autostart settings, but there are so many brands that I can't support them all
From what it seems, the only thing i can do about this is to always show a notification to open settings on android 10 and 11 regardless of permission status
done in v1.15.2
Yes, this feature was implemented in version 1.15.2
Thank you for your hard work and dedication This makes me more efficient when I use my cell phone I'm obsessed with efficiency Hopefully, the software will continue to live in the background of the phone and never be killed, whether it is rebooted or turned on Expect software to get better and better