Jean-Christophe Bos
Jean-Christophe Bos
Just @krishnak , you have probably reached the default thread stack size...
Ok @krishnak, `sleep()` is really not the solution! The management of several threads is parallelism and the server also works in concurrent mode (the proof with only one thread or...
Well, I just didn't think about it before because I haven't used it for a while. And If you want, to create a captive portal during a Wi-Fi connection, you...
Hi @marcelotduarte, @Lukikrew, I've the same problem with macOS 12.4 (M1). Just for information, it does exactly the same thing with py2app and pyInstaller on another recent mac (M1) with...
Hello, I don't have an example now but you must use the "QLearningLearnForChosenAction" function to learn a new step in the current environment for an action performed. "stateVectorNNValues" is the...
@adryanalencar2001 It's very complicated to use images because it's not a convolutional RNN... MicroNN is that but I have not written any documentation..
@pedrocnf, you must to have a minimum and a maximum range values. Between 0 and 1 for example, to set your entries.
Hello @guestisp, you can use route handlers. See help to add a route.
Hi, It's not possible with MicroWebSrv but it's ok with MicroWebSrv2 :
Hello @cejpo001, it should not be done right after the server is started.