
Results 42 issues of jcyhcs

hi.professor: like the topic said, please help!

hi,progessor: like the topic said,please help!

hi,professor: is there any possible for deployment solov2 don't use libtorch? just use tensorrt deserialize api, then write some postprocess code? beacause it has fewer dependence, install libtorch on jetson...

hi,professor: when i compile (build_model , i got error: Solov2-TensorRT-CPP/InstanceSegment/common.h:388:9: error: ‘virtual nvinfer1::IBuilder::~IBuilder()’ is protected within this context delete obj; ^~~~~~ why? my enviroment: nvidia jetson tx2 with jetpack4.5.1 tensorrt...

please optimize the code with only cpu,

hi,professor: i run your project code on jetson xavier nx, can show mesh successful, but i mentioned that the mesh gpu always grew up, why? please help me!


大佬你好,我将yolov4模型转化成了nnie wk文件,利用nnie-lite进行推理的时候,我修改了anchors部分,修改如下: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34532224/103864772-22c23400-50fe-11eb-8805-f5c3c111ee55.png) 请问 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34532224/103864796-2ce43280-50fe-11eb-8455-a8017c4540ba.png)这个函数还修改吗?如果需要,怎么修改呢?
