vscode-hxcpp-debug icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-hxcpp-debug copied to clipboard

VSC debug adapter for Haxe hxcpp runtime

Results 27 vscode-hxcpp-debug issues
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Steps: Open test openfl, start the debugger, step down into the `addChild` -> `__setStageReference`. Open the `stage` variable in the variables pane. Open the `align` sub-variable of stage. Froze: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2192439/12849256/e013cb02-cbdb-11e5-9ac1-f2e925b9cfff.png)...

Hi. I tried to set some breakpoints after `new debugger.HaxeRemote(false, "localhost");`, but all was ignored :( Debugger don't stop my application. VSCode 1.20.1 Haxe 3.4.4 HXCPP 3.4.188 hxcpp-debugger from git...

Hi. I tried just launch debugger without compilation (use a pre-compiled application), but debugger was excepted. I'm tried this config: ``` { "name": "Launch (Hxcpp)", "type": "hxcpp", "request": "launch", "linux":...

Hi @mpoint4u -- I think the issue you're experiencing is different than #19, so I've moved it here to its own thread. @mpoint4u said on Dec 16: same happens to...

I now either run in debug or HXCPP_DEBUGGER mode. If I run in debug I get trace statements to the ouput console. If I run with hxcpp debug I get...

I tried 1.10 and 1.11 of vscode and debugger crashes when launching application. vs insider release works though and did for 1.11? Not sure if this is a debugger issue...

All of my tests are very simple sample projects. It'd be nice to test debugging on a more significant hxcpp project. Maybe pirate pig, maybe hxscout, maybe others?

I saw this randomly at one point. I restarted VSCode and deleted my project output directory, and it went away. Please let me know if you see this, and can...

Versions of relevant products: - VSCode - hxcpp - hxcpp-debugger Update instructions to point to specific git revs? For hxcpp-debugger at least?