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Utilities for working with Haxe and GraphQL.

Results 16 haxe-graphql issues
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When i try to install the gql2hx library via haxelib it fails: haxelib install gql2hx Downloading gql2hx-0,0,1.zip... Download complete: 0.25KB in 0.3s (0.8KB/s) Download complete: 1.76KB in 0.3s (4.4KB/s) Installing...

How can I use subscriptions with this lib?

The following throws no errors, even though the parameter type does not exist. We should verify these parameter types (may be required to be input types? Do we support input...

Using a lot of typedefs in code already. Would it be easy to convert typedef to a schema?

Graphql requires: http://facebook.github.io/graphql/June2018/#sec-Names `/[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/` For typedefs, Haxe requires: `/[_]?[A-Z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/`

Should catch typos / mismatches (and ideally "unused variables") in query variable names: ``` query FooQuery($some_id: ID!, $withBaz: Boolean!, $limit: Int) { foo_query(a: $some_typo_id, b: $limit_typo, c: $offset_typo) { bar...

Should be possible in any object type (though not fragments) ![selection_999 2520](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2192439/41478000-5657763a-7083-11e8-9548-90de92b18536.png)


Currently unsupported: http://facebook.github.io/graphql/June2018/#sec-Union-Extensions

Per this article: https://code.haxe.org/category/other/deploy-to-haxelib-using-travis-and-github-releases.html

Maybe? Or maybe just generate the function signatures? For callbacks and/or promises? Include a simple fetch client?