Jean-Claude Vignoli
Jean-Claude Vignoli
Hi there, I tried to follow your advice. I'm on linux, so I use When I run the script both against the ISO and the persistance. dat, I get...
I can confirm country() function does not return empty strings and works perfectly. Perhaps could you provide more specific details (IMDB id of the movie/person, how you use IMDBPHP)?
The bug? You mean, in my code?
Hi there, I execute the method `$this->person->pubmovies()` where `$this` is the current class, and `person` the `Imdb\Person` class.
@duck7000 it works! :)
A patch here updates ipaddr by ipaddress
Hello! Any news about this feature?
Thanks, but was looking for a more sustainable way, like a function...
Looking forward to see your great script including PHP 8.1 😃
Hope it will be included in a next release!