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Flume plugin for RabbitMQ
Flume-ng RabbitMQ
This project provides both a RabbitMQ source and sink for Flume-NG. To use this plugin with your Flume installation, build from source using
mvn package
and put the resulting jar file in the lib directory in your flume installation.
This project is available under the Apache License.
Configuration of RabbitMQ Source
The configuration of RabbitMQ sources requires that you either declare an exchange name or a queue name.
The exchange name option is helpful if you have declared an exchange in RabbitMQ, but want to use a default named queue. If you have a predeclared queue that you want to receive events from, then you can simply declare the queue name and leave the exchange name out. Another optional configuration option is the declaration of topic routing keys that you want to listen to. This is a comma-delimited list.
Minimal Config Example
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.channels = ch1
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.rabbitmq.RabbitMQSource
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.hostname =
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.queuename = log_jammin
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.exchangename = log_jammin_exchange
Full Config Example
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.channels = ch1
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.rabbitmq.RabbitMQSource
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.hostname =
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.queuename = log_jammin
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.exchangename = log_jammin_exchange
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.topics = topic1,topic2
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.username = rabbitmquser
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.password = p@$$w0rd!
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.port = 12345
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.virtualhost = virtualhost1
RabbitMQ Sink
Minimal Config Example
agent1.sinks.rabbitmq-sink1.channels = ch1
agent1.sinks.rabbitmq-sink1.type = org.apache.flume.sink.rabbitmq.RabbitMQSink
agent1.sinks.rabbitmq-sink1.hostname =
agent1.sinks.rabbitmq-sink1.queuename = log_jammin
Full Config Example
agent1.sinks.rabbitmq-sink1.channels = ch1
agent1.sinks.rabbitmq-sink1.type = org.apache.flume.sink.rabbitmq.RabbitMQSink
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.hostname =
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.queuename = log_jammin
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.username = rabbitmquser
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.password = p@$$w0rd!
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.port = 12345
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.virtualhost = virtualhost1
agent1.sources.rabbitmq-source1.exchange = exchange1