imgCheckbox icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
imgCheckbox copied to clipboard

jQuery plugin that makes img tags checkable.


imgCheckbox is a jQuery plugin that makes img tags checkable (much like Google's recaptcha image selection tool). See it in action on the demo page:


You can call imgCheckbox without any parameters on any jQuery collection containing <img> elements.


You can have multiple sets of imgCheckboxes with different parameters.

$("img.checkableGroup2").imgCheckbox({ "graySelected": false });


Option Type Values Default
checkMarkImage URL Supports anything your browser support in the background-image property (of a pseudo selector). SVG Data URI which draws a white tick on semi transparent green.
graySelected Boolean Convenience option: Adds the necessary CSS rules to apply a grayscale filter on selected images. true
scaleSelected Boolean Convenience option: Adds the necessary CSS rules to apply a downscaling filter on selected images. true
fixedImageSize Boolean / String Sets a fixed image size to all images (useful if images vary in size). Values can be "200px" or "120px 200px" (not percentages). false
checkMarkSize Boolean / String Sets a custom size for the image (Useful if your images are very large or very small and the default is not suitable). Values can be "30px" and "20px 30px" (note: percentages do not work). "30px"
checkMarkPosition String Sets the position of the checkMark. Options are: top-left, top, top-right, left, center, right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right etc. (for more advanced positioning, the styles option can be used on span.imgCheckbox::before) top-left
scaleCheckMark Boolean Convenience option: Adds the necessary CSS rules to apply a zooming effect on the checkmark as it appears and disappears. true
fadeCheckMark Boolean Convenience option: Adds the necessary CSS rules to fade the checkmark in and out. false
addToForm Boolean / jQuery imgCheckbox can inject the checked elements into the form. If true, imgCheckbox will find a parent form and hook into its submission. A jQuery object can be passed in and the submit listener will attach to it. true
preselect [Integer] / Boolean To preselect certain elements, use this syntax:
{ preselect: [0,1,2] }
Alternatively, you may preselect all elements using the syntax:
{ preselect: true }
radio Boolean Images function as radio/option buttons (rather than checkboxes). Only one can be selected. No element is automatically preselected (see preselect). false
canDeselect Boolean When the radio option is set to true, this option allows the selected image to be deselected. false
styles Object For advanced customisation, the full stylesheet is applied using this object. (see source)


$.select() Selects the element (if it is a member of an imgCheckbox group). If the element is part of a radio group, the other elements will be deselected. jQuery
$.deselect() Deselects the element (if it is a member of an imgCheckbox group). Other elements are unaffected (even in radio groups). jQuery


Event callbacks are accessible via the options object. Use the syntax:

    onload: function(){
      // Do something fantastic!
    onclick: function(el){
    	var isChecked = el.hasClass("imgChked"),
	    imgEl = el.children()[0];  // the img element
	console.log( + " is now " + (isChecked? "checked": "not-checked") + "!");
onload Fires when the initialisation of the imgCheckbox collection is complete.
onclick Fires when an element is clicked.


You can add any custom styles using the styles option. For example, to add a blur filter to selected images:

	"styles": {
		"span.imgCheckbox.imgChked img": {
			// This property will overwrite the default grayscaling, we need to add it back in
			"filter": "blur(5px) grayscale(50%)",

			// This is just css: remember compatibility
			"-webkit-filter": "blur(5px) grayscale(50%)",

			// Let's change the amount of scaling from the default of "0.8"
			"transform": "scale(0.9)"


  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • IE8+ (untested on prior versions)