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Simple JavaScript options parser inspired by yargs


LILY is very simple option parser inspired by YARGS with no dependencies

LILY stands for LILY Is Like Yargs

In fact it's inspired by yargs-parser used by Yargs to parse the options.


npm install --save @jcubic/lily


#!/usr/bin/env node
const lily = require('@jcubic/lily');

const options = lily(process.argv.slice(2), {boolean: ['b']});

if you run the script with:

./script -l 10 --hello 20 -asb one two three

you will get this object as result:

    "_": [
    "l": "10",
    "hello": "20",
    "a": true,
    "s": true,
    "b": true


Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jakub T. Jankiewicz

Released under MIT license