Jakub T. Jankiewicz
Jakub T. Jankiewicz
example run from NodeJS: ``` biwascheme> #\💩 Error: execute: unbound symbol: "�" [] klass { message: 'Error: execute: unbound symbol: "�" []', form: null } ``` Found while adding #264
BiwaScheme have same error that I just fix in LIPS: ```scheme (let ((x '(1 2))) (+ 1 . x)) ``` this should throw error but it evaluate to `1`. this...
BiwaScheme return same list 4 times instead of each expression from string: ```scheme (let ((print (lambda (str) (display str) (newline))) (port (open-input-string "`(```,,,,@(list 1 2)) 10 10+10i"))) (print (read port))...
I'm reading On Lisp by Paul Graham (got printed version from Lulu Express for $15) and this give error: ```lisp (define-macro (bar) (let ((x 10) (y '(1 2 3)) (z...
Found this SO question [Using two backquotes and commas, Common Lisp ](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7549550/using-two-backquotes-and-commas-common-lisp) the syntax is like this: ```scheme (eval ``(a ,,(+ 1 2) ,(+ 3 4))) ``` biwascheme throw an...
on Xubuntu I've installed fonttools: ``` pip install fonttools ``` but it keep serving me error: ``` $ glyphhanger ./index.html --subset=./css/fonts/bebasneue-webfont.ttf `pyftsubset` from fonttools is required for the --subset feature....
### Description ### According to [jQuery.get documentation](https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.get/) you can use `null` as success function to be able to use `dataType`. But it seems that it's not working. The only way...
Didn't test but you're using outdated version (as submodule) of jQuery Terminal that detect Google Chrome to attach scroll to html when terminal is added to body. And google change...
Is it possible to add your own button? I would like to put PDF inside the iframe and allow to download of a file with a button.
**Describe the bug** When dropdown is added to body and when items are in rows removing items while dropdown is open don't refresh dropdown position. **Reproducbile example** https://ng-select.github.io/ng-select#/append-to-element **To Reproduce**...