sdorfehs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sdorfehs copied to clipboard

A tiling window manager

Results 12 sdorfehs issues
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The `macos-10.15` runners will soon be unavailable, so time to upgrade!

Hi, I ran jar application (e.g. zaproxy) and place cursor in text input field. And then press key "C-a !" to launch new application. But the cursor focus would be...

this restores some functionality from groups, that are missing from vscreens: - ties in the vnext, vprev, and vother functions that were in the code but not linked to actual...

Previously the buffer size could not exceed 1k in the response from server, or it would be truncated. This included commands like, for example: ``` $ windows w %{i,a,c,t,n} ```...

Chrome, possibly others that expect/use EWMH are trying to raise [their own] windows with ClientMessage commands, which are not handled by *sdorfehs*. Sdorfehs sets `_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW` but does not respond to...

**vscreens** are a nice feature in *sdorfehs* (to have separate frame sets). Sadly they cannot easily replace some uses of *ratpoison* groups: - there are no `next`, `previous` or `other`...

In *ratpoison*, when `msgwait 0`, the `windows` and `vscreens` (nee 'groups') commands used to toggle the bar text. In *sdorfehs*, `msgwait 0` will force the message to stay forever with...

In `google-chrome` or `brave-browser`, there's a global tab search you can activate in upper right with mouse, or using Ctrl+Shift+A. Then you can select any of the tabs shown or...

it seems that a larger output for "windows" than 1k will be truncated: ``` $ rp () { sdorfehs -c "$*"; } $ rp windows | wc -c # this...

Add boolean rcvar `winvcur` (default 0). This adds a variable to let new windows get spawned in the current vscreen, if they would otherwise be spawned in a different one...