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rubywarden no longer being updated

Open jcs opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

I started this project 3 years ago as a way to document how the Bitwarden clients and server communicated, and to develop a leaner alternative to the official Bitwarden server backend. As Bitwarden has gained popularity over the years and added many new features, changes in the server components are required to remain compatible.

Also in that time, bitwarden_rs was written using the API documentation I created here and now seems to be much more widely used than rubywarden. They have more people working on it and are better able to keep up with upstream changes.

In light of this, I am no longer maintaining this project. I encourage everyone using rubywarden to switch to bitwarden_rs or the official hosted Bitwarden service.

jcs avatar Aug 28 '20 17:08 jcs

I was contemplating the switch myself, as it has some features implemented I never got around to fully implement myself for rubywarden. As much as I would have liked to do it, but the student/phd days are over, so time is becoming a limited resource ;-)

Did you migrate yourself? Do you have any pointers? :-)

Thanks a lot for all the work you put into this!

universal avatar Sep 21 '20 06:09 universal

How do i migrate to bitwarden_rs? I mean I have tons of passwords in my current rubywarden installation.

shelterx avatar Oct 22 '20 13:10 shelterx

How do i migrate to bitwarden_rs? I mean I have tons of passwords in my current rubywarden installation.

Just export in Rubywarden as .csv and import in Rubywarden_rs as "Bitwarden CSV-File". Of course you delete the file immediately afterwards. ;)

IchSchreiGleich avatar Oct 22 '20 16:10 IchSchreiGleich

@IchSchreiGleich Thanks. I missed that function.

@jcs Sad to see the project stall, I would have preferred to continue to use rubywarden. But thanks for all the effort you put into making this project.

shelterx avatar Oct 22 '20 17:10 shelterx

I tried some shenanigans with directly copying over the encrypted contents of some entries in the database, but haven't had any luck so far... I guess I have to invite my family members for a remote session ;-)

universal avatar Oct 23 '20 13:10 universal