msgspec copied to clipboard
typing.Annotated not working as expected.
Basically, I am trying to set the alias of the Struct field, via typing.Annotated[]
, however, the following code fails.
from __future__ import annotations
import msgspec
import hikari
import json
import typing as t
class PayloadBase(msgspec.Struct):
def _from_payload(cls, payload: str) -> t.Self:
return msgspec.json.decode(payload, type=cls, strict=False, dec_hook=cls._decode_hook)
def _to_payload(self) -> str:
return msgspec.json.encode(self, enc_hook=self._encode_hook).decode()
def _decode_hook(cls, type: t.Type[t.Any], obj: t.Any) -> t.Any:
if type == hikari.Snowflake:
return hikari.Snowflake(int(obj))
raise ValueError("Sorry, but this value does not exist.")
def _encode_hook(cls, type: t.Type[hikari.Snowflake]) -> t.Any:
return str(type)
class Ready(PayloadBase):
session_id: str = msgspec.field(name="sessionId")
resumed: bool = msgspec.field()
guild_id: t.Annotated[hikari.Snowflake, msgspec.field(name="guildId")]
bot = hikari.GatewayBot("...", banner=None, suppress_optimization_warning=True)
payload = {
ready = Ready._from_payload(json.dumps(payload))
print(ready.guild_id, type(ready.guild_id))
assert ready.session_id == "beanos"
assert ready.resumed is True
assert ready.guild_id == hikari.Snowflake(1234567890)
It decodes the session properly, however, it does not decode the guild properly, and fails on it, because its using t.Annotated
. Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behavior?