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[Question] How to decode deeply nested part of json using msgspec
What is the correct way to decode part of json file?
Is there a way to do this without defining class Stuct for every level?
Also how to handle when the keys have a .
For example,
"" : [
For the second question, you can use the name
argument in the field
Like this:
class Something(Struct):
test_name: str = field(name="")
You may want to have a look at Renaming Fileds. And in particular at "On the struct definition" part, which states that rename
parameter can be:
- A mapping from field names to the renamed names...
- A callable (signature
rename(name: str) -> Optional[str])
So if the builtin types are sufficient - the root Struct
like this should work:
class Root(msgspec.Struct, rename=lambda name: name.replace('_', '.')):
Yes, now I remember reading about renaming fields, I should read few times to cement my memory. Thank you.