James Wyatt Cready-Pyle
James Wyatt Cready-Pyle
You need to use a grpc-web proxy in front of your grpc service to translate between the two different protocols.
[Envoy](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/intro/arch_overview/other_protocols/grpc#arch-overview-grpc) is one such proxy which supports grpc to grpc-web translation. The grpc-web protocol is described in more detail [here](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-WEB.md).
You can get the "grpc-web-dev-tools" extension working with protobuf-ts by adding this interceptor to your grpc-web transport: ```ts import type { RpcInterceptor } from '@protobuf-ts/runtime-rpc'; import { RpcError } from...
>Does this have an impact in performance? Only if you have the "grpc-web-dev-tools" extension enabled.
Ah, sorry about that. I believe I've fixed the code above.
This seems to work: ```js type Id = (T) => T; const id: Id = (x) => x; (id(1): number); (id('foo'): string); // $ExpectError (id(null): string); // error ``` The...
>Otherwise, it works wonderfully Hard disagree. Regardless of ESM modules `c8` (or rather V8) coverage is **FAR** less accurate with coverage results as it doesn't perform any instrumentation or operate...
Unlike protobuf.js, protobuf-ts [depends on protoc for generating code](https://github.com/timostamm/protobuf-ts/blob/main/MANUAL.md#what-is-protobuf-ts). There is no way to directly convert the string content of a proto file into usable classes for encoding/decoding messages. You...
It is possible, albeit inconvenient with a lot of boilerplate. Basically you must create and return your own `[ClientStreaming|DuplexStreaming|ServerStreaming|Unary]Call` (depending on the interceptor) and then manually resolve/reject the call's `Deferred`s....
@daudfauzy98 How are you sending the access token? Ideally you'd know that your access token was expired before issuing the request. If you were able to know it was expired...