glist copied to clipboard
Allow avoiding the pull-down
When I start typing a new file name, sometimes the letters I type already entirely exist within an existing gist, but I want to create a new gist. For example, if I type "test1" as the name of my new gist, these letters may all already exist. It would be nice to insist on creating a new gist. Thanks!
hmm, I'm not sure if you really need to create two exactly same name gist, for the idea of Notational Velocity it's how things keep simple by combining search and create in only one search box.
I understand your logic, but at least on my machine, the searching seems to be only filtering by whether the combination of letters exist anywhere in the title... For example, when I start typing "zzz", I finally filter down the results, but I still get a match with this gist because it has 3 instances of "z" in the title, though not next to each other. I would expect that if I typed "zzz" that the entire string "zzz" would need to be there.
if you didn't want to require the words be in the same order, could you require that the strings be separated by word breaks? And if you wish to treat Chinese characters as individual units, could you use a regex to find those characters and treat other characters (like Latin characters) differently? (e.g., )
glist is actually using Atom native fuzzy finder, so it should behave probably the same as cmd p