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Autoupdating Immutable.js views of Meteor live queries (useful for React pure render components!)


(work in progress!)

This uses Mongo.Cursor.observe and Mongo.Cursor.observeChanges to provide Immutable.js views of the collection and its documents. This is especially handy to pass to React pure render components; when documents are changed, a custom updateDeep method is used so that objects/arrays inside them that didn't change will still be === their previous values.


Node/Webpack/Browserify/jspm/HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS

npm install meteor-immutable-observer

Then var ImmutableObserver = require('meteor-immutable-observer')

There are Webpack UMDs in the lib/umd folder (they rely on immutable being in a commons chunk)

Meteor Package (not deployed here yet)

meteor add mindfront:immutable-observer

This will put ImmutableObserver in the package scope.


Note: this doesn't seem to work properly when you Meteor.subscribe() to your collection within the same reactive computation. I haven't yet investigated exactly why. Right now I just subscribe() outside of any reactive computation.

ImmutableObserver.Map(cursor: Mongo.Cursor)

Begins a live query via cursor.observeChanges, and tracks changes in an Immutable.Map of documents indexed by _id.

Theoretically this should perform better than ImmutableObserver.List, since it doesn't keep track of document order.

This should not be called within a reactive computation. Since its observeChanges can trigger dependency changes, it could cause an infinite autorun loop.

Make sure you stop() the observer when done with it.

var Players = new Meteor.Collection('players');
var observer = ImmutableObserver.Map(Players.find({}, {limit: 10}));


documents(): Immutable.Map

Returns an Immutable.Map of the currently available documents, indexed by _id.

Also registers a dependency on the underlying live query.


Stops the live query (calls stop() on what observeChanges returned)

ImmutableObserver.List(cursor: Mongo.Cursor)

Begins a live query via cursor.observe, and tracks changes in an Immutable.List of documents in order.

This should not be called within a reactive computation. Since its observe can trigger dependency changes, it could cause an infinite autorun loop.

Make sure you stop() the observer when done with it.

var Players = new Meteor.Collection('players');
var observer = ImmutableObserver.List(Players.find({}, {sort: {score: 1}, limit: 10}));


documents(): Immutable.List

Returns an Immutable.List of the currently available documents.

Also registers a dependency on the underlying live query.


Stops the live query (calls stop() on what observe returned)

Example (not tested)

import React from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import ImmutableObserver from 'meteor-immutable-observer';
import shouldPureComponentUpdate from 'react-pure-render/function';

class Post extends React.Component {
  shouldComponentUpdate = shouldPureComponentUpdate
  render() {
    var {post} = this.props;
    return <div className="panel">
      <div className="panel-heading">
        <h3 className="panel-title">{post.get('title')}</h3>
        <button><i className={post.get('isLiked') ? "glyphicon glyphicon-heart" : "glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty"}/></button>
      <div className="panel-body">

class PostList extends React.Component {
  shouldComponentUpdate = shouldPureComponentUpdate
  render() {
    var {posts} = this.props;
    var postComponents = [];
    posts.forEach(post => postComponents.push(<Post post={post}/>));
    return <div className="posts">

export default React.createClass({
  mixins: [ReactMeteorData], 
  componentWillMount() {
    this.subscription = Meteor.subscribe('posts');
    this.postsObserver = ImmutableObserver.List(Posts.find({}, {sort: {createdDate: 1}}));
  componentWillUnmount() {
  getMeteorData() {
    return {
      posts: postsObserver.documents(),
  render() {
    return <PostList {...this.props} {}/>;