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Lack of Ability to set a (future) Start Day for taking a Medication
This feature would be VERY useful especially when you like to taper or substitute a drug.
In that cases, you have planned changes of the amount or the kind of a medication, i.e. you know at a special day you have to lower (or to rise, when the dose must be increased) the dose of a medication, for example for one week 30mg, next week 20mg, the following week 10mg, then a substitution by another drug.
To be able to map this, a planned start for a medication would be necessary, which unfortunately currently isn't possible.
Anyway, RXDroid is a great app - I really like it!
Thank you for your feature request. However, development on RxDroid has stopped, and is currently limited to fixing serious bugs. Sorry.
Oh, that's a pity! 😔 Will this be temporary or final?
Anyway, thanks for your answer!
Will this be temporary or final?
Well, it's been that way for a long time now. I've just checked, and the last time I've released a version that added a (minor) feature instead of just fixing bugs and crashes was 8 years ago.
Being a doctor myself I realize that the available scheduling options are too limited for some people. This app needs a rewrite from the ground up, using modern technologies (the first release on Google Play was 11 years ago!) , but I just don't have the time and motivation to do that.
OK, thx for answering. The lack of time is an argument that I can well understand...