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RFC: Replace tuples with record literals
record Tuple[..T] ( ..x:T );
overload Tuple(..x:T) = Tuple[..T](..x);
foo( x:Tuple[..T] ) {...} // Matches named record
bar( x:[..T] ) {...} // Matches anonymous record
var myrec = Tuple(3, 5);
var myrec2 = [3, 5]; //This is an anonymous record with single variadic field
foo(myrec); // valid
foo(myrec2); // invalid
bar(myrec); // invalid
bar(myrec2); // valid
// Use keyword arguments to construct named fields
var a = [3, 5]; // Allowed -> unnamedRecord[..T](;
var b = [x = 3, y = 5]; // Allowed -> unnamedRecord(x:Int, y:Int);
var c = [x = 3, 5]; // Allowed -> unnamedRecord[..T](x:Int,;
var d = [3, x = 5, 6] // Not allowed as cannot split variadic field
goo( rec:[x:Int, ..T] ) { } // Unification matches field names so ...
goo(c); // valid
goo(b); // invalid
Could also allow anonymous record type specs to match named records if fields match e.g. from the above example bar(myrec)
would be valid.
Sounds good to me; I always thought having variadic fields in records would be preferable to having builtin Tuple[..T] as a workaround. Keyword arguments in tuple/record constructors would be great too. One potential wrench in the works is that tuples are used for a bunch of builtin features, like recordWithProperties and function types. With keyword arguments, you could potentially support multiple variadic arguments to a function:
foo(..x, ..y) { ... }
bar() { foo(x = (1,2,3), y = (4, 5, 6)); }
Function type inputs and outputs could then be handled as keywords without tuples, such as CodePointer[inputs=(A, B), outputs=C]
, although that's getting pretty verbose.
Also, on a related note, how about adopting type definitions similar to those in Koka?
type MyType (); // Empty record
type Foo ( [a:Int32, b:MyType] ); // Effectively a record (brackets could be dropped here ...)
type Maybe [T] ( Nothing, T ); // Effectively a variant with Nothing as empty type
type Bar [T, ..U] (
Cabbage(x:Maybe[T], ..y:U), // New record-like type defined as part of variant-like type
A few constraints would be needed on the use of anonymous record literals etc.
(Hmm, probably should have put this one in #401)
Looks cool for me. Functional ADT syntax is totally reinvented. Comma in variants could be "|" to make it more consistent with constructor.
type MyType (); // constructed by MyType();
type Foo (a:Int32, b:MyType); //constructed by Foo(a, b);
type Maybe [T] ( Nothing | T ); //constucted by Maybe[Int](5);
Round brackets can be removed at all, but I don't like this because we have brackets in function calls. f(1,2)
, not f 1,2
ergo F[T](t:T)
. Otherwise haskell will be reinvented.
I meant just remove the square brackets for that special case, not all parentheses.
Remove square brackets? What is the difference between record and variant in this case?
I guess the idea is to unify type declarations so record and variant (and enum?) would just be special cases of type
Checkout Koka types.
The idea is clear, this unification is done in almost every language with algebraic datatypes, not only Koka. I asked about another thing. Koka uses the rule "record fields are separated by comma, variant instances are separated by space". I suggest the rule with comma and pipe symbol. In your case I dont see the difference between Maybe (variant) and Foo (record) if brackets are removed. The both are comma-separated
I suppose the difference is the same as that for static and non-static function arguments except that they cannot be mixed. This works as records cannot have static fields.
type Foo ( Bar ); // Variant type as Bar is record
type Foo [T] ( Bar(a:T) ); // Variant with Bar record as member
type Maybe[T] ( Nothing, a:T ); // Illegal as 'a:T' is field
Variant instances don't have names, record fiels have... This works but looks too cryptic to me