dotfiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotfiles copied to clipboard

Bootstrap neovim/zsh/tmux environment for Ruby on Rails development


Configurations for neovim, zsh, tmux, and macOS, with a focus on neovim.

What You Get

  • Neovim nightly
  • LSP & tree-sitter integration
  • FZF & Telescope integration
  • tmux

Common tasks should require a minimum of keystrokes. Fuzzy finding is preferred over tab completion. File trees are for the weak.


> git clone [email protected]:jchilders/dotfiles.git
> cd dotfiles
> make install

make - List available targets without doing anything

make install - Install All The Things. Installs homebrew, default homebrew formalae (including tmux), clones & builds neovim from source, and links all configuration files (dotfiles). Typically used when bootstraping a new development machine.

make clean - Uninstall All The Things

make cfg - Links configuration files (dotfiles) only, without installing neovim or any homebrew formulae.

make cfg-clean - Unlink configuration files

make neovim - Install neovim nightly from source, configuration files, and plugins

make neovim-clean - Uninstall neovim nightly from source, configuration files, and plugins

make neovim-cfg - Install neovim configuration files

make neovim-cfg-clean - Uninstall neovim configuration files

Run make by itself to see other avalable targets.

Why Make?

Q: lol why are you using Make?

A: Because I'd never written a Makefile before, and honestly? It works pretty well.


For both zsh and nvim commonly used functionality is provided via Ctrl-O mappings. There are two basic types of Ctrl-O mappings: git-related, and finding & editing files.

ctrl-o file mappings

These work in both zsh and nvim.

mapping description
^oo Find file & edit
^oO Find any file (ignores .gitignore) & edit
^orc Find Rails controller & edit
^orm Find Rails model & edit
^orv Find Rails view & edit

ctrl-o git mappings

These work in both zsh and nvim.

mapping description
^oga Find uncommited changed file & add to staging area (git add)
^ogb Switch branch
^ogd Find uncommited changed file & show diff (git diff)
^ogs Find uncommited changed file & edit (git status)



Additional Ctrl-O Mappings

Common mappings are given in the Ctrl-O section above. Neovim-specific additions are shown here.

mapping description provided by
^ob Fuzzy switch buffer by filename telescope.nvim
^or Fuzzy go to symbol (method name, etc.) for current buffer telescope.nvim
^oR Fuzzy go to symbol (method name, etc.) for current workspace telescope.nvim
^os Search directory for string under cursor telescope.nvim

Other Noteworthy Neovim Mappings

mapping description
Enter Clear highlighted search
,, Switch between next/previous buffers
,ccs Change (rename) current symbol
,g Toggle gutter
,]] Go to next error/warning
,[[ Go to previous error/warning
,e Show error/warning for current line
gc. Comment/uncomment code block (treesitter based)
gc Comment/uncomment
gcc Comment/uncomment current line

Ruby- and Rails-specific Neovim Mappings

mapping description
,bp Insert binding.pry below current line
,bP Insert binding.pry above current line
,rp Insert puts below current line
,rP Insert puts above current line
,rr Restart console running in tmux pane to the left
,rt Run most recently modified spec in tmux pane to the left

Sending to Tmux

mapping description
,sl Send current line to tmux pane to the left
,sl Send current selection to tmux pane to the left



Additional mappings (widgets) available to zsh:

mapping description
^t Find file and append to current cursor position
^r Search command history (^r<enter> to run last command)


alias description
bi bundle install
fc Edit last command in $EDITOR
gcb Copies current branch name to pasteboard (clipboard)
gd git diff
gst git status -sb
r Rerun previous command
rc bin/rails console, or bin/console if in a Gem directory
rdbm rake db:migrate
rdbms rake db:migrate:status
rdbmt rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rdbmst rake db:migrate:status RAILS_ENV=test
rs rails server

Directory Navigation

Uses zoxide. For example:

➜ cd ~/work/myrailsproj
➜ pwd
➜ cd
➜ pwd
➜ z myr
➜ pwd