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FaceSync - Open source python toolbox for synchronizing videos by audio and analyzing facial expression data

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FaceSync: Open source framework for recording facial expressions with head-mounted cameras

The FaceSync toolbox provides 3D blueprints for building the head-mounted camera setup described in our paper. The toolbox also provides functions to automatically synchronize videos based on audio, manually align audio, plot facial landmark movements, and inspect synchronized videos to graph data.


To install (for osx or linux) open Terminal and type

pip install facesync


git clone https://github.com/jcheong0428/facesync.git then in the repository folder type python setup.py install


For full functionality, FACESYNC requires ffmpeg and the libav library.

Linux sudo apt-get install libav-tools

OS X brew install ffmpeg brew install libav

also requires following packages:

  • numpy
  • scipy You may also install these via pip install -r requirements.txt

Recommended Processing Steps

  1. Extract Audio from Target Video
  2. Find offset with Extracted Audio
  3. Trim Video using Offset. *If you need to resize your video, do so before trimming. Otherwise timing can be off.
from facesync.facesync import facesync
# change file name to include the full
video_files = ['path/to/sample1.MP4']
target_audio = 'path/to/cosan_synctune.wav'
# Intialize facesync class
fs = facesync(video_files=video_files,target_audio=target_audio)
# Extracts audio from sample1.MP4
# Find offset by correlation
# Find offset by fast fourier transform

FaceSync provides handy utilities for working with facial expression data.

Manually align the audios with AudioAligner.

%matplotlib notebook
from facesync.utils import AudioAligner
file_original = 'path/to/audio.wav'
file_sample = 'path/to/sample.wav'
AudioAligner(original=file_original, sample=file_sample)

Plot facial landmarks and how they change as a result of Action Unit changes.

%matplotlib notebook
from facesync.utils import ChangeAU, plotface
changed_face = ChangeAU(aulist=['AU6','AU12','AU17'], au_weight = 1.0)
ax = plotface(changed_face)

Use the VideoViewer widget to play both video and data at the same time (only available on Python).

import facesync.utils as utils
%matplotlib notebook
utils.VideoViewer(path_to_video='path/to/video.mp4', data_df = fexDataFrame)


Please cite the following paper if you use our head-mounted camera setup or software.

Cheong, J. H., Brooks, S., & Chang, L. J. (2017, November 1). FaceSync: Open source framework for recording facial expressions with head-mounted cameras. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/p5293