Jake Chamberlain

Results 18 comments of Jake Chamberlain

You can use the `geoCodeByPlaceId` helper to grab the full location on select. ``` const onSuggestionSelect = async (address, placeId, suggestion) => { const [place] = await geocodeByPlaceId(placeId); const {long_name:postalCode...

Webpack 5 PostCSS 8 - https://github.com/egoist/poi/issues/765

Was just coming here to report/ask a similar question. Similar monorepo, but for me I have a single package shared by my sub module workspaces and main workspace. eg: main...

@whitecolor like @lipedeitos said, I'm only using this for development purposes for a react library, that I is built with rollup before linking. In production yarn/yalc link are not used....

@whitecolor do you have any suggestions on how I can debug or test why it is not creating the symlink like it should? I've tried everything under [Use with Yarn...

@czjge @mrodrig I'm not sure this is being maintained anymore since it hasn't been updated in over a year. There was a pull request that fixes this #99 I created...

@daffl I didn't look at that branch previously. At a quick glance it looks like theres some differences in adding `body` In the returns in the elasticsearch-7 branch. I did...

I should also mention that all my testing was with an elastic search db at version 8.4.3 (hosted on elastic.co) and `"@elastic/elasticsearch": "^8.5.0"`