baby_buddy_homeassistant copied to clipboard
Baby buddy Integration only displays 11 entities , missing sensors
The baby buddy integration is only displaying the following entities:
- select.baby_buddy_diaper_color
- select.baby_buddy_diaper_type
- select.baby_buddy_feeding_method
- select.baby_buddy_feeding_type
- sensor.baby_
- sensor._last_change
- sensor._last_feeding
- sensor._last_height
- sensor._last_timer
- sensor._last_weight
- switch._timer
According to the documentation I should have the following:
- last data entry,
- including diaper_change
- feeding, notes
- sleep,
- temperature
- tummy_time
- temperature
- weight.
I'm currently missing
- feeding, notes
- sleep,
- temperature
- tummy_time
- temperature
I'm running baby_buddy_homeassistant integration 2.7.1. Add-on 68152197_baby_buddy! version 2.1.1.
Please let me know if you need any further details. Thank you for looking into this. I really appricate all the hard work that has been put into this amazing job.
Silly question, do you actually have that data in BB?
For any sleep deprived users out there, if you are seeking specific sensors, but they appear to be missing, check the entities for attributes. I was able to find last feeding times, durations, methods, as attributes under the "last feeding" entity. This was not super apparent to me, so hopefully some sleep deprived parent finds this helpful in the future.
To expose these attributes as sensors, you'll have to use templating to create a sensor from the attribute. Maybe the developer could consider creating sensors instead of attributes for things (although this would 1. Create a TON of sensors and 2. Take time). Here are a couple example templates that I've created for things I need:
friendly_name: "Last Feeding Method"
value_template: "{{ states.sensor.babymcd_last_feeding.attributes.method | title }}"
friendly_name: "Last Feeding Start Time"
value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(states.sensor.babymcd_last_feeding.attributes.start) | timestamp_custom('%A @ %-I:%M %p')}}"