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Various stuff for use with Git


Various stuff for use with Git. Code is not intended as standalone files, but rather as snippets for use in other files.

All code licensed MIT unless stated otherwise.

Code to insert the current branch and status into your bash prompt. Add to ~/.bashrc to use.

Suggested tweaks

  • Colors produced by the git_color function can be tweaked as desired; see this article for the codes needed. In particular, the colors specified in this snippet assume a black or otherwise dark background in your terminal; if you use a terminal with a white or light-colored background, you'll want to change the color for a clean directory (which is set to 1;37m/white here) and possibly the color for having both staged and unstaged changes (set to 1;33m/yellow here).
  • As presented here, the code will display the P flag if there are any local commits at all that do not exist on a remote, including new local branches. If you would prefer to only show the flag for unpushed commits in the currently checked-out branch, replace line 37 with:
    [[ -n $(git status -sb|grep -E "\[ahead .+\]") ]] && output="${output}P"

Based on:

Modified by me, using ideas from those gists and their comments