Jan Christoph Ebersbach

Results 55 issues of Jan Christoph Ebersbach

The method _associate_domobj isn't present anymore, therefore inserting or changing objects in the DOM breaks associations.

I noticed that the position of the current line is jumping to the top, middle or to the bottom of the window on closing a fold using .

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Repeat doesn't work for most text-objects neither is a provided count properly evaluated.

Plugin Misc

The are a number of people asking about the differences vim-orgmode and VimOrganizer. The two plugins serve the same purpose although the approach is very different. This should be explained...


Implement logging/time tracking plugin

Plugin Logging Work

Is it possible to disable the directory listing? I'm using version 0.6.9 on Nix and the directory listing appears to be always on despite me not providing the `-i` flag.

Hi, I did a rewrite of vim-bufsurf. Now it uses vim' location list. The biggest advantage is the browseable history. I also added functionality to extend the history from currently...

Currently, the couchdb store can't operate with a non-admin account. I found the following issues that hold back the couchdb store: 1. The `_users` database is queried. This feature has...

I noticed that the `expiration_date` property in a Verifiable Credential is ignored by the `verify` method. Example: ```sh didkit key generate ed25519 > key.jwk DID=$(didkit key-to-did -k key.jwk) cat expired-credential-signed.json...

As specified in did-core services can be linked in a DID document (see also . Currently, non of the described contexts is part of ssi/contexts. It would be great if...