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emmet for vim's UltiSnips plugin: http://emmet.io/


emmet.snippets provides an UltiSnips snippet that interprets emmet's syntax for quickly generating HTML and XML tags and attributes.


  • Live generation of tags and id and class attributes
  • Fully supported syntax elements: >, +, ^, #, *, $, {..}, [..]
  • Proper indentation
  • Dynamic jumps to tags without children and attributes without values
  • First line of text is deleted automatically after the first jump
  • Reasonable amount of tests implemented
  • Default attributes that are added to tags automatically
  • Default settings and configuration for inline tags, non-block tags and abbreviations for tag names


  • Open a HTML or XML file in vim
  • Type e on an empty line
  • Press <Tab> to expand the snippet
  • Start typing something that matches emmet's syntax, e.g. html>head>title^body>h1#title+p.myclass



  • Make sure UltiSnips is installed
  • Clone emmet.snippets repository
  • Make sure it's present in your path variable
    • I recommend using pathogen. It's enough to clone the repository in ~/.vim/bundle
  • Test the functionality by opening a new buffer in vim :vs. Change filetype to html setf html. Write et and press <Tab> to expand the snippet and perform a self test
    • All tests should pass



Abbreviations are expanded into longer tags automatically. You can overwrite the default configuration by assinging to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_abbreviations or extend the configuration by assigning to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_abbreviations_extension. FILETYPE has to be replaced by the actual file type. Currently the following file types are supported: html, xml, xsl, xslt and docbk.

Example, overwrite configuration:

let g:emmet_html_default_attributes = {
	\ 'bq': 'blockquote',
	\ })

Example, extend configuration:

let g:emmet_html_default_attributes_extension = {
	\ 'bq': 'blockquote',
	\ })

Default attributes

Default attributes are added to tags automatically. You can overwrite the default configuration by assinging to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_default_attributes or extend the configuration by assigning to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_default_attributes_extension. FILETYPE has to be replaced by the actual file type. Currently the following file types are supported: html, xml, xsl, xslt and docbk.

Example, overwrite configuration:

let g:emmet_html_default_attributes = {
	\ 'a': {'href': '', 'id': 'ID'},
	\ })

Example, extend configuration:

let g:emmet_html_default_attributes_extension = {
	\ 'a': {'href': '', 'id': 'ID'},
	\ })

This will lead to the following tag and attributes when you type a in emmet:

# a
<a href="" id="ID"></a>

Inline tags

Inline tags show child tags without creating a new line. You can overwrite the inline tags configuration by assinging to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_inline_tags or extend the configuration by assigning to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_inline_tags_extension. FILETYPE has to be replaced by the actual file type. Currently the following file types are supported: html, xml, xsl, xslt and docbk.

Example, overwrite configuration:

let g:emmet_html_inline_tags = [
	\ 'a',
	\ ])

Example, extend configuration:

let g:emmet_html_inline_tags_extension = [
	\ 'a',
	\ ])

Example inline vs. block tag:

Inline tag span:
<span><a href=""></a></span>

Block tag p:
    <a href=""></a>

Self closing tags

Self closing tags are abbreviated by avoiding the closing tag. You can overwrite the self closing tags configuration by assinging to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_self_closing_tags or extend the configuration by assigning to the variable g:emmet_FILETYPE_self_closing_tags_extension. FILETYPE has to be replaced by the actual file type. Currently the following file types are supported: html, xml, xsl, xslt and docbk.

Example, overwrite configuration:

let g:emmet_html_self_closing_tags = [
	\ 'br',
	\ ])

Example, extend configuration:

let g:emmet_html_self_closing_tags_extension = [
	\ 'br',
	\ ])

Example inline vs. block tag:

Self closing tag br:
<br />

Non-self closing tag p:

Item Numbering

Item numbering, $, can behave in two ways when combined with multiplication, *. Stacked multiplication combines all previous modifiers while non-stacked multiplication just takes the tags direct multiplier into account. The variable g:emmet_stacked_multiplication controls the behavior.

To enable non-stacked multiplication execute let g:emmet_stacked_multiplication=0 (default).

# ul.list$*3>li.item$$*3
<ul class="list1">
    <li class="item01"></li>
    <li class="item02"></li>
    <li class="item03"></li>
<ul class="list2">
    <li class="item01"></li>
    <li class="item02"></li>
    <li class="item03"></li>
<ul class="list3">
    <li class="item01"></li>
    <li class="item02"></li>
    <li class="item03"></li>

To enable stacked multiplication execute let g:emmet_stacked_multiplication=1.

# ul.list$*3>li.item$$*3
<ul class="list1">
    <li class="item01"></li>
    <li class="item02"></li>
    <li class="item03"></li>
<ul class="list2">
    <li class="item04"></li>
    <li class="item05"></li>
    <li class="item06"></li>
<ul class="list3">
    <li class="item07"></li>
    <li class="item08"></li>
    <li class="item09"></li>

Known Issues

  • Not all syntax elements are supported yet. The following are missing:
    • Grouping: (..)
    • Changing numbering base and direction: @- and @N
  • Almost no error handling implemented
  • Python 3 only
  • No support for CSS, SASS and other syntaxes

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